Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1787: The Moga of Mu Family 2

Suddenly, it was the big day when Mu Yue returned to Mu's family.

In the morning, all the members of the Mu family got up early, and everyone had a bright smile on their faces.

Not only the Mu family but also Xiao Junyan got up early.

Xiao Junyan drove the car and delivered medicinal liquor that had not been exchanged.

Pure medicinal wine was when Mu Yue visited Xiao Fengyi and the others before, and went to Xiao Junyan's villa, and put all the medicinal wine in the space into the villa.

And Xiao Junyan left yesterday and went to the villa, helping Mu Yue to exchange all the medicinal liquor there, and then took the medicinal liquor to the hotel today.

Who would let Xiao Junyan be the only one who knew that Mu Yue had space now? Even Mu Haixuan didn't know that Mu Yue had a space.

So very successful, Xiao Junyan also became Mu Yue's porter and helped her handle it better.

Today’s wine in the hotel is Mu Yue’s medicinal wine.

Xiao Junyan got up early in the morning, and Tang Yalan had just got up, and she was a little surprised to see Xiao Junyan already putting on his coat and preparing to go out.

"Where are you going so early?" Tang Yalan asked Xiao Junyan quickly.

The corners of Xiao Junyan's lips rose slightly, and he lowered his head to put on his shoes, "Go to the hotel!"

"The hotel where the girl hosted the banquet? What are you going to do so early? Don't eat breakfast?" Tang Yalan walked up to Xiao Junyan and asked with concern.

Xiao Junyan nodded gently, "Stop eating, help transport the medicinal liquor to the hotel, I will use it for today's banquet!"

"Why are you going to send it? No one else? And it doesn't need to be so early, why go so soon!" Tang Yalan frowned when she heard it.

Xiao Junyan explained with a smile, "Before Yue's medicinal liquor is put in my villa, I want to send it!"

After all, Mu Yue only knows about the things that Mu Yue has space, and others don't, otherwise, it is not his turn to do such things!

He is looking forward to doing this kind of thing, how can he leave it to others?

"Then you have a good breakfast!" Tang Yalan said to Xiao Junyan quickly.

Xiao Junyan shook his head and refused, "No more!"

Tang Yalan suddenly felt a little depressed, whether this son would marry a wife or get married! The whole heart was taken away by that girl.

To be honest, she is really a bit envious and jealous in her mother's heart!

In the past, she was looking forward to a girl who could make her son emotional, but now it is! He really completely controlled his own son.

"Oh!" Tang Yalan nodded, did not stop Xiao Junyan from opening the door, turned and said faintly, "Wait a moment I am going to see that girl, I have to have a good chat in front of her, about you this morning. It’s not breakfast!"

Xiao Junyan, who had opened the door, paused slightly, then pulled the door again, closed the door, and looked at Tang Yalan, "How long will it take?"

Listening to this, Tang Yalan, who had her back to Xiao Junyan, showed a smug smile on Yongrong's face, hum, dare to play with her!

This future daughter-in-law has a bigger name than her as a mother, and she immediately changed her mind when she said she was going to file a complaint.

It seems that in the future he has to learn how to teach this stinky boy with that girl.

"Soon, I will steam the buns in the refrigerator for you first, and then I will make you a cup of hot milk, so I won't drink the porridge!" Tang Yalan smiled and said to Xiao Junyan.

"Yeah!" Xiao Junyan nodded, and can only help Mu Yue move the medicinal wine after eating a good breakfast at home.

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