Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1789: The Moga of the Mu Family 4

Those who were early with Mu's family, and those reporters who wanted to get first-hand information.

They also all came to the hotel early, hoping to take pictures of Mu Haixuan's daughter here, and inquiring about Mu Haixuan and Mu Yue.

When Mu Haixu was seen by the reporters, they surrounded him.

"General Mu, hello, I am a reporter from XXX, can you explain the contents of the news and newspapers these past two days?"

"Hello, General Mu, I don't know what exactly is the relationship between Mu Haixuan and that Chu Muyue? Is it the kind of relationship rumored outside?"

"Hello Mr. Mu, I don't know today's protagonist, Miss Mu has arrived at the hotel today? Can we interview her!"

"Mr. Mu, hello, has Miss Mu already arrived at the hotel? I wonder if she knows the news rumored outside these two days?"

The reporters handed the microphones in their hands to Mu Haixu one by one.

Mu Haixu waved his hand to them and said, "We will explain these two things before the banquet begins. Then I will let someone arrange for you to shoot outside! All the results will be lifted at noon today. !"

The reporters faced Mu Haixu's concealment and mystery, which made them feel as if they had a cat's claw in their hearts, making them very uncomfortable.

However, Mu Haixu just said this, and directly asked the security of the hotel to pull the reporters outside and were not allowed to approach him. He went to do his own thing.

The hotel for Yuan Xiao and others was booked at a nearby hotel, and it only took two to three minutes to walk.

A few young people, especially Duan Tianyu, got up early, thinking about whether to help or something.

Seeing Mu Haixu, Yan Yu greeted him, "Uncle Mu!"

Seeing Duan Tianyu, Mu Zhitong and others, Mu Haixu smiled and nodded, "Oh, you are all Xiao Yue'er's classmates, Xiao Yue'er just arrived in the hotel box, you can go find her!"

"Uncle Mu, we are here to help, do you need our help?" Yan Yu explained to everyone with a smile.

Among the people, Yan Yu is the only one who knows the Mu family. Before coming, Yan Shijie specially gave his son a popular science on the power of the capital, especially the appearance of those in the Mu family.

Yan Shijie was originally a subordinate of the Mu family, so she must have a picture of the Mu family on hand, and she was able to confirm it.

Mu Haixu listened, smiled and waved his hand and said, "No, no, all that should be done has already been done, you all go to Xiao Yueer to play!"

These children are good and know how to help at this time.

"Then we're going to find Mu Yue! If Uncle Mu needs our help, just say it!" Yuan Xiao said respectfully to Mu Haixu with a smile.

"Go!" Mu Haixu nodded and asked the hotel staff to take them to find Mu Yue.

Duan Tianyu asked Mu Haixu curiously, "Who is he from Mu Yue?"

Among them, Duan Tianyu was the only one who didn't know the relationship between Mu Yue and the Mu family, and had never met anyone from the Mu family.

They just came to congratulate Mu Yue for finding her relatives, and they didn't know that she was Mu Haixuan's daughter.

Yan Yu explained to Duan Tianyu with a smile, "He is Mu Yue's fourth uncle Mu Haixu!"

"Oh!" Duan Tianyu nodded his head in a daze, how come this name sounds familiar? I seem to have heard it somewhere, but I can't remember it anymore.

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