"Hey, brother and sister! You are so hard to hide it from us! I didn't know about you until yesterday!" Xiao Fengyi smiled sadly and said hello to Mu Yue, by the way, she also asked for trouble.

Mu Yue turned her head and looked at Xiao Fengyi, if she hadn't heard her voice, she really hadn't seen it!

"Sister Fengyi, you are here too!" Mu Yue smiled awkwardly, "Sister Fengyi, I have a reason for this! And, you didn't ask!"

Xiao Fengyi snorted coldly, and said in a somewhat dissatisfied and questioning tone, "Huh, let's talk about it, it made us so worried!"

Mu Yue smiled slyly, Du Xueqin beside him stared at Mu Yue resentfully, "Cousin in the future, is this really true?"

"Well, it's true!" Mu Yue nodded.

"My cousin in the future, I'm on your side, so I didn't tell me your identity, so I thought... Oh, no matter, you killed so many brain cells, you have to make up for it. Me!" Du Xueqin got Mu Yue's confirmation again, and suddenly cried out in dissatisfaction.

She was also worried and couldn't sleep, but she didn't expect that she didn't need to worry about this!

The whole thing is too reversible, no matter which news it is, she can't sleep well!

Mu Yue laughed and said apologetically, "Okay, what compensation do you want, as long as I can do it, I will definitely help you do it!"

"Hmph, this is what you said!" Du Xueqin pointed at Mu Yue and said triumphantly.

Mu Yue smiled, and directly pulled Xiao Junyan into the water, "Well! It's true, if I can't do it, you can let your cousin do it! Your cousin knows who I am before I do! He has always been Keep it secret, didn't tell me!"

Xiao Junyan lowered his head to look at Mu Yue's complaining little resentment, and his eyes became more gentle, "I will not hide anything from you in the future!"

"It's good to know!" Mu Yue glared at Xiao Junyan angrily, his eyes full of warning.

Du Xueqin touched her arms. It is rare to feel that Xiao Junyan's words can make her feel so sick, and the goose bumps all over her body have risen, "Oh! Cousin is really getting more and more numb!"

"There will be more in the future!" Xiao Fengyi rolled her eyes, every time she was fed by these two people's dog food.

"Hmm!" Du Xueqin nodded as if pounding garlic, although she only saw it this time, she had a hunch that she would have to be fed the dog food in the future.

Look, if you can educate his iceberg cousin to speak such gentle words, they haven't found it before, and haven't encountered it before!

If people in the family knew, I wonder if they would drop their chin in surprise!

Mu Yue's cheeks suddenly flushed, and she changed the subject, "By the way, Sister Fengyi, Xueqin, let me introduce my friends to you!"

In order to prevent Xiao Fengyi and Du Xueqin from teasing, they introduced Ouyang Mengxi to Xiao Fengyi and the others.

Yan Chen and the others, Xiao Fengyi and Du Xueqin are all acquainted, so there is no need to introduce them.

After Duan Tianyu knew Xiao Fengyi and their identities, there was a spit in his heart, Mu Yue was really getting more and more powerful, and humans could no longer stop Mu Yue's evildoers.

"Make-up first!" Xiao Junyan lowered his head to remind her after watching Mu Yue introduce to everyone.

"Well, let's talk first, I need to put on makeup!"

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