In the end, Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan discussed, except for taking off the small coat at the beginning of the banquet, they would wear it at all other times before Xiao Junyan agreed.

For Xiao Junyan's maintenance, Du Xueqin was really stunned.

Damn, is this still his cold-hearted cousin? When did you become so gentle and mother-in-law? Has it become so numb?

"Okay, let's go out first!" Mu Yue diverted everyone's attention, just thinking that if he stayed here anymore, he might have to laugh at them again.

Xiao Fengyi nodded and said remindingly, "Yes, right, time is almost up, you still go out to meet the guests!"

Xiao Junyan first walked towards the banquet hall downstairs, holding Mu Yue's fragrant shoulders.

At this time, a lot of people had arrived in the banquet hall. Those who came early were the younger generations. They were all entrusted by the elders of their own family. Let's see if we can see Mu Haixuan's daughter.

It's just that they came, but they didn't see it either, only a group of people were chatting around each other.

Mu Yue, Xiao Junyan and others came to the corridor outside the banquet hall. At this time, the Mu family were all welcoming guests outside and preparing.

When Mu Haiwei saw Xiao Junyan walking towards Mu Yue with his arms around him, he almost jumped his feet out of breath, and pointed his finger at Xiao Junyan, "Xiao, what are you doing? Are you a man or a woman?"

Stepping forward, they separated Xiao Junyan and Mu Yue in one hand.

Mu Yue was a little bit dumbfounded in her heart. She was used to this scene for a long time, and quickly found an excuse to take Xiao Junyan away, "Brother Xiao, you take everyone to the banquet hall first!"

Xiao Junyan glanced at Mu Yue fixedly, and nodded gently, "Okay!"

Mu Yue asked everyone to follow Xiao Junyan and lead everyone away first, and she had to welcome the guests!

Seeing everyone leaving, Mu Haiwei said helplessly to Mu Yue, "Xiao Yue, how can you let that stinky kid take advantage of you? I can't do this next time!"

"Uncle, this is nothing, what are you worried about!" Mu Yue explained helplessly, and asked with concern, "Uncle, how are the guests here?"

Mu Haiwei was easily biased by Mu Yue and explained, "Well, the time is about to come. The first ones are low-status people, and the people with status are coming soon! However, You don’t have to be here to welcome guests now, hehe, wait until then everyone knows who you are!"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded gently.

Mu Haiwei caringly said to Mu Yue, "You take a rest, eat something, and you will be busy later!"

"I see!" Mu Yue nodded, "I'll go and see the situation in the hall first!"

Mu Haiwei didn't stop him, and patted Mu Yue on the shoulder, "Well, you go and check it out first, I'm going to be busy now!"

After Mu Yue and everyone from Mu's family greeted them, they entered the banquet hall.

At this time, the banquet hall was also very lively. Almost all of them were from the Mu family's side, and the people she invited were only two or three tables, all of her friends and subordinates.

When Mu Yue walked into the hall, many people were amazed, especially those who didn't know Mu Yue's identity and had never seen her.

"Hey, who is that girl?"

"What a beautiful girl! Which one is this from?"

"This girl is so strange, so beautiful, who owns it?"

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