Mrs. Xiao Er and Xiao Kexin saw Mu Yue also appearing in the banquet hall, and they were still wearing such an eye-catching dress, their eyes were mocking and contemptuous.

"Oh, what kind of wild girl is this from the country, she wears such an exaggeration! You really think of yourself as a princess?" Xiao Kexin stepped forward, looked up and down Mu Yue's body, and said mockingly.

Mu Yue was not only wearing a short puffy princess dress, but also a crown made of diamonds on her head, which was absolutely shining.

It's no wonder Xiao Kexin would say that to Mu Yue.

Now that everyone doesn't know Mu Yue's identity, so I feel that Mu Yue's dress like this is a bit inappropriate. If he knows, he will definitely not say that.

The people who were sitting in this hall waiting for the banquet all turned their heads and looked at Mu Yue and Xiao Kexin curiously.

"What happened?"

"Isn't this Xiao Kexin from the Xiao family? Why did you meet that Chu Muyue?"

Chi Yan also frowned slightly, watching Mu Yue's eyes full of worry.

Although Xiao Junyan's attitude towards Mu Yue was quite good, the two of them had that kind of relationship.

However, Xiao Kexin's attitude and tone of speech now seem to disagree with Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan being together!

To be honest, he thinks that Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan are a match made in heaven, a golden girl and a jade girl, how they think they match.

However, for their families, they look like a pair from the outside, but many people care about each other's family background, and rarely get together when they truly love each other.

When everyone was curious, Xiao Fengyi walked to Mu Yue's side and took her into her arms. "Second aunt, Ke Xin, you are here too!"

Seeing Xiao Fengyi and Du Xueqin, Xiao Kexin's eyes flashed unpleasantly. They really wanted Xiao Junyan and Mu Yue to be together.

"Yes, after all, cousin Junyan has a marriage contract with the returning little princess of the Mu family, and the two are married by fingertips. Of course we, as future in-laws, have to come!" Xiao Kexin said in a deliberate voice. Big, with a proud and arrogant smile on his face.


Hearing Xiao Kexin's words, everyone couldn't help taking a breath of air, with a look of disbelief.

For young people like them, they don't know about this marriage contract.

Hearing it now, I just feel that the world is in collapse.

They didn't expect that the little princess who had just returned to the Mu family had a marriage contract, and it was still Xiao Xiao.

However, they seemed to see that Xiao Shao and Mu Yue were a little bit ambiguous just now, right?

Thinking of this, everyone looked at Mu Yue with slightly different eyes.

Listening to Xiao Kexin's words, she seemed to be dissatisfied that Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan were together. The Xiao family planned to let the little princess of the Mu family and Xiao Junyan be together, so they targeted Mu Yue in this way!

"Hey, there is a good show to watch!"

"I didn't expect that this little princess of the Mu family has already had a marriage contract!"

"One is the life-saver of the Mu family, and the little princess of the Mu family. Hey, this love triangle, it is estimated that the Mu family will have a headache. I don't know how the Mu family will choose!"

"Yes, but I think that Princess Mu has a better chance of winning!"

A group of people murmured.

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