Those old people who came to the Mu family banquet, besides Yan Lao and Ning Lao, who had met Mu Yue’s love, Ye Tianming’s grandfather Ye and Chi Yan’s grandfather Chi also came, they all share the Mu family’s relationship. It's a good relationship. The other family elders didn't come, but their sons came.

Those sons of theirs are now in a lofty position, and it is already a lot of face for the Mu family to come to participate.

As for Mr. Xiao, he is not among the ranks of these people. It is all because they are about to become relatives, so they came here, showing that their Xiao family still attaches great importance to Mu Yue's attitude.

Almost all the guests have already been seated. As Mu Yue's father, Mu Haixuan, it is of course for him to introduce his daughter to everyone.

"Welcome everyone to come to the banquet of our little princess Mu's return to the family!" Mu Haixuan solemnly said to the guests who came to the banquet, but his tone was still full of excitement.

Thinking of his daughter finally coming home, Mu Haixuan couldn't help feeling excited and emotional.

"Because of my fault, I lost the memory and let this child be lost from childhood. He has never been able to appreciate the love of his father. In order to compensate her, and to make her truly become the child of our Mu family, this meeting was held specially. The ancestor’s banquet, let everyone know that she is the blood of our Mu family!” Mu Haixuan said solemnly, excitedly and proudly, “I think everyone wants to see our little princess of Mu family!”

Mu Haixuan's words express the aspirations of everyone in the room, and the Mu family is really too deep.

They couldn't find it no matter how they investigated, which is really curious now.


"I don't know what the little princess of Mu's looks like."

"Finally I can see it, this Mu family is really good at protecting it!"

"I guess it might be ugly, so I dare not take it out!"

"Hush! You are so courageous, you dare to say this in such a place!"

With a proud smile on his face, Mu Haixuan said to everyone, "Now let my daughter, the little princess of the Mu family, Xiao Yueer come on stage!"

"Hey, it's coming out!" Yan Chen and the others were all looking forward to it.

Compared with the fact that they already knew Mu Yue's identity, what they cared most about was not Mu Yue's appearance, but that the expressions on the faces of those who didn't know Mu Yue's identity caught their attention.

They wanted to know what their expressions would be after they knew Mu Yue's identity.

Before, many people scolded Mu Yue, and they still didn't give Mu Yue face.

Elder Xiao also showed a satisfied smile on his face, nodded, and his old face was also full of expectations.

Similarly, Tang Yalan, the future mother-in-law, was a bit entangled in her heart. The little princess of the Mu family was originally her future daughter-in-law, but she cared most about girl Mu Yue.

This girl is very satisfied regardless of her appearance or her character, but it really makes her entangled in marriage!

Sitting next to Xiao Fengyi, she saw her mother's slightly tangled look, with a gleeful smile on her face. His mother didn't know Mu Yue's identity yet!

After knowing Mu Yue's identity, what will he look like!

And Madam Xiao Er, she had to take a good look at their expressions, Du Xueqin next to her and she looked at each other, both showing unsuspecting eyes.

The door of the banquet venue opened with a creak, and everyone turned their heads curiously and looked in the direction of the banquet door.

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