Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1810: Want the rhythm of engagement 2

Gan Yongxin's farce is just a small episode, and it can't affect the mood of Mu's family holding a banquet.

The Mu family directly ignored Gan Yongxin, did their own thing, and invited the reporters out. They had already explained what should be explained, and they had already expressed the attitude that should be expressed. What should these reporters write next? They can control it.

Elder Mu also let the banquet begin immediately, and very hard to help his precious granddaughter introduce the medicinal wine on the table, this is the medicinal wine brewed by his granddaughter.

Hearing what Elder Mu said, the eyes of Elder Xiao, Elder Ye, Elder Ning, and Elder Yan who had drunk the medicinal wine all brightened, and directly took the wine jug and poured a glass into their wine glass.

Smelling the familiar scent of medicinal wine, the old men squinted their eyes with a smile.

Because of Xiao Junyan's relationship, old man Xiao is also able to drink medicinal wine often now, and Ye Lao is because of Ye Tianming, as long as he finishes drinking, he will ask Ye Tianming to let Ye Tianming know his old man every time he receives a call from his father. What happened to him.

And Elder Ning and Elder Yan have always known that they asked their daughter-in-law to go to the drugstore to get some medicinal wine and drink if there was nothing to do.

"Squeaky!" Ye Lao's face was full of smiles, "This medicinal wine still tastes good! Today is really the right time!"

Ye Tianming looked at Ye Lao with a look of enjoyment, rolled his eyes speechlessly, and said angrily, "Grandpa, don't you drink often? Are you tired of drinking?"

Ye Lao didn't care about his grandson's words at all, and said happily, "Then you don't eat too! Don't you eat often?"

"Can this be compared?" Ye Tianming only felt very depressed. Is there such a comparison?

"I don't know if I can take some out today?" Ye Lao muttered to himself as he looked at the pot of medicinal wine with some greedy eyes.

The son and daughter-in-law who listened to Ye's old saying on the side turned their heads one by one and did not look at their old man. This is really shameful. There are food and drink, and they have to be packed and taken away!

Ye Tianming couldn't help but touched his nose, and he felt ashamed. He just felt that today the little junior sister lost his wife and broke down!

Sitting on the other side of the table, taking a sip of the potion, Chi Lao's eyes lit up, "This potion is so delicious, and it's refreshing after drinking it! It's so comfortable!"

Chi Yan also nodded and said in agreement, "Yeah, yeah! I didn't expect this medicinal wine to be so good. I have heard of some, but I didn't expect it to be so good! And I feel comfortable all over!"

"It's better than Moutai, it's strong!" Chi Lao took another sip, and said with a sigh, "I have to go back to drink with that girl a little later!"

Thinking that the relationship between himself and the Mu family is okay, Chi Lao, who understands his appetites, is very cheeky thinking that he should be able to rely on a little relationship to ask that girl a little medicinal wine to drink.

When Chi Yan heard what Chi Yan said, he couldn't help but wiped his sweat, secretly admiring him, Grandpa, you really don't think of yourself as an outsider!

If Ye Tianming knew what Chi Yan was thinking at this time, he would definitely shake hands with him, the two fathers are the same!

In fact, not only Ye Lao and Chi Lao had this idea, but also some other old men.

They all have a high status, but sometimes they still have some personal hobbies.

Drinking is one of their hobbies. After drinking such a delicious and relaxing wine, they naturally have such a touch of thought.

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