Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1829: Depressed Xiao Junyan 2

Mu Yue poured a cup of tea for Xiao Junyan and handed it to him, "Drink a cup of tea, warm up!"

Xiao Junyan was holding the teacup in both hands, as if he could not feel the teacup hot, turned his head and looked at Mu Yue tenderly, "Are you happy these days?"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded with a smile, found a big white rabbit's toffee, pushed it aside, and stuffed it on the edge of Xiao Junyan's mouth, "eat one!"

With gentle eyes, Xiao Junyan opened his mouth, and ate the toffee that Mu Yue had handed over into his mouth. Not only sugar but also Mu Yue's **** were in the mouth.

Mu Haixuan walked in angrily, and as soon as he walked in, he saw the scene at the moment.

"Asshole brat!" Mu Haixuan roared angrily, almost blowing off the beams of the entire house.

"What's the matter?" Elder Mu hurried over, his face full of worry.

Mu Haixuan pointed at Xiao Junyan with trembling fingers, and hurried to the edge of the sofa, pulling Mu Yue behind him.

A touch of embarrassment flashed across Mu Yue's face, and a touch of shyness appeared on her cheek, and she glanced at Xiao Junyan.

With the toffee in his mouth, Xiao Junyan's eyes fell on Mu Yue's body.

He only felt that the sugar in his mouth was not sweet at all, his heart was sweet, and his whole body was warm.

When Mr. Mu saw Xiao Junyan's appearance, his old eyes stared, "What dare you brat to come here?"

"Hello, Mr. Mu!" Xiao Junyan didn't care about Mr. Mu's disgust, got up from the sofa, and said hello to Mr. Mu.

Elder Mu directly waved his hand and said disgustedly, "It was good, but it would be bad to see you here!"

When Mu Yue heard what Elder Mu said, she was ashamed, and for a while she really didn't know what to say.

"Grandpa!" Mu Yue hurriedly walked to the side of Mr. Mu, with a bright smile on his face, and exclaimed, "What are you doing? Senior Brother Xiao is here to pay us New Year's greetings!"

"Who knows if this stinky boy has any ill intentions!" Elder Mu snorted coldly, and the expression in his eyes looking at Xiao Junyan was still extremely disgusting.

There were three black lines on Mu Yue's forehead. This grandfather and father both looked like this, which really made her worry!

"Grandpa!" Mu Yue could only cry helplessly, "No matter what, you have to give Grandpa Xiao some face, right? If Grandpa Xiao knows that we will drive him out, Grandpa Xiao will be dissatisfied!"

Elder Mu turned his head and glared at Mu Yue helplessly. This girl really turned his elbow out.

Mu Haixuan stared, questioning Xiao Junyan, "What are you doing so early? Don't tell me just to congratulate the New Year!"

Xiao Junyan's eyes fixedly looked at Mu Yue, his eyes were gentle, "Take Yue to a date!"

The five words made Mu Yue's cheeks red, but Mu Haixuan and Mr. Mu's faces turned black.

"Date a date! Ask you for a head!" Mu Haixuan suddenly yelled at Xiao Junyan angrily.

Elder Mu also stared at Xiao Junyan dissatisfiedly. What he said made his old man very dissatisfied.

"Dating?" Mu Yue was taken aback, and then remembered what day it is. Today is Valentine's Day!

Thinking of Xiao Junyan looking for a date with herself on Valentine's Day, a layer of blush appeared on her cheek.

However, looking at the angry posture of the two people, Mu Yue felt that he was very depressed, and he really didn't know what to say.

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