Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1831: Depressed Xiao Junyan 4

Not long after Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan asked for advice, another visitor came.

The people who came this time were Chi Lao and his grandson Chi Yan.

"Mu Yue, I'll come..." Chi Yan cried out excitedly as soon as he walked into the hall, but when he saw Xiao Junyan sitting on the sofa, he suddenly seemed to be caught in his neck and speechless. Up.

When Mu Yue saw Chi Yan coming, his face was a little surprised, "Why are you here?"

"Not only he is here, old man and I am here too!" Chi Lao also walked in with a smile, and said to Mu Yue, turning his head, he also glanced at Xiao Junyan who was also sitting on the sofa.

Xiao Junyan stood up and nodded to Lao Chi, "Lao Chi, happy new year!"

"Oh, um, happy new year!" Chi Lao was a little startled, but he muttered in his heart, when this stinky boy would know how to greet.

Why Lao Chi had this idea in his mind was entirely because when he went to Master Xiao's side, every time he saw Xiao Junyan, it was good that he could look at you, let alone speak to him directly.

It is a miracle to speak to him, to be able to answer more than three words, not to mention the initiative to speak.

Mu Yue hurriedly smiled at Lao Chi and said, "Chi Lao, sit down and I will give you tea!"

Although Old Chi was muttering in his heart, when he heard Mu Yue's words, he smiled and nodded, "Good, good!"

Elder Mu looked at Lao Chi with a smile, "Lao Chi, why are you here?"

Old Chi sat on the sofa, sighed, and said, "The new year is almost over, so I'll stop by and take a look at your little girl by the way!"

"Yeah!" Mr. Mu nodded and looked at Chi Yan who was stunned. "Chi Yan, what are you doing there?"

Chi Yan came back to his senses, smiled dryly, and greeted Mr. Mu quickly, "Mr. Mu, Happy New Year!"

"Yeah!" Elder Mu nodded, looked at Chi Yan, then glanced at Xiao Junyan who was standing tall and tall on the edge of the sofa, and made a secret comparison in his heart.

But he was so peculiar that he felt that Xiao Junyan's opinion was so pleasing to the eye, which made his old man very depressed!

"Sit down, sit down, it's a rare visit to try Xiao Yue'er's tea-making craft!" Father Mu sat on the sofa with a bright smile on his face.

Mu Yue took out a set of Kung Fu tea sets from the small room, Xiao Junyan took the initiative to put all the books on the coffee table aside, cleared an open space, took it from her hand, and placed it on the coffee table.

"Oh, does the girl still make this kind of tea?" Chi Lao saw Mu Yue's behavior, his eyes lit up, and he asked in surprise and curiousity.

Mu Yue nodded, "I learned a little when I was with the master before."

Elder Mu showed a triumphant smile on his face, "Of course, there really is no Xiao Yue'er doing bad things in this world!"

"Yeah!" Old Chi nodded his head in satisfaction, a little envious and jealous of the old man, watching Mu Yue how satisfied she was in her heart.

However, he glanced at Xiao Junyan who was squatting on the side to help Mu Yue again, and he was sour in his heart.

He wanted Mu Yue to be his granddaughter.

But thinking about those stinky boys in my own family, Chi Yan is the best, but compared with Xiao Junyan, there is still a world, no comparison!

Even his old man felt that it would be better to marry Xiao Junyan.

Look at this stinky boy, the changes are really getting bigger and bigger, I haven't seen this kind of thing!

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