Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1834: Huajia's reaction 3

When the case was about to be concluded, he felt that the matter was over, and he was relieved.

However, before he could let go of this breath, things turned around.

Someone suddenly appeared, accusing him of the news department he was looking for, not Pang Liren.

Thinking of the person hitting himself and knocking down the photos in his hand to the ground, he knew that this matter was true.

Now he regretted it, why he had to come out by himself, he had known Pang Liren to go, then he could get out of the matter directly.

Even if it is too late to regret it, Gan Yongxin hurriedly begged to look at Gan Hailiang, his tone was full of plea and expectation, "Dad, I know I was wrong, you must help me!"

Gan Hailiang glared at Gan Yongxin. Hua Fengjun usually disciplined the children. He didn't care about his teaching because of his work.

However, only now did he realize how stupid his son was, that he could do this kind of thing himself.

"Now there is no good way to let him surrender!" Gan Hailiang frowned and said.

"No, you can't do this. If you let Yongxin go to jail, wouldn't it be a crime? I won't agree!" Hua Fengjun immediately objected.

Gan Hailiang glanced at Jun Hua Feng and then at Gan Yongxin. He was also a little unwilling to let his son go to jail.

Although this is not a big deal to them, but after going to jail, it still has some minor effects on their Gan family, especially Gan Yongxin.

"Then, go abroad!" Gan Hailiang could only say this sentence.

When Hua Fengjun heard Gan Hailiang's words, his eyes lit up, and he looked at Gan Yongxin, "Yes, going abroad, as long as Yongxin goes abroad, he will be fine when he comes back after this matter subsides!"

"Then go abroad, you can arrange for him, where to go?" Gan Hailiang nodded in the end, then turned to look at Gan Yongxin and asked him.

Gan Yongxin shook his head, "I don't know!"

He can be said to have fled in embarrassment. He was unwilling in his mind, so he wanted revenge, but he left like this if he was unwilling to take revenge.

However, under the current circumstances, he couldn't stay, so he could only go abroad.

"Then go to France, I happen to have a sister over there!" Hua Fengjun glanced at Gan Yongxin and said.

Gan Hailiang also nodded, "Let's do this, pack your luggage immediately and go to France!"

Gan Yongxin raised his unwilling eyes, but he could only go upstairs angrily to prepare his clothes for going abroad.

Hua Fengjun watched his son leave, turned his head to look at Gan Hailiang, "Is it the matter that this matter is forgotten?"

"What can you do if you forget? Can you fight back?" Gan Hailiang turned his head dissatisfied and stared at Jun Hua Feng and asked.

Although he was not reconciled, but he couldn't fight back for the time being, he could only eat this dark loss first.

It can be said that Mu Yue's return gave them a great deterrent and vigilance.

Hua Fengjun really became unwilling as he thought about it. He clenched his fist and hit the armrest of the sofa fiercely. He gritted his teeth and cursed, "Bitch, the wild species that was born is also a little bitch. I will let her go!"

Gan Hailiang turned his head to look at Hua Fengjun, with a bit of sarcasm in his eyes, "You have been married to me for so many years, and you will always remember Mu Haixuan in your heart. It seems that you still can't forget him!"

Hua Fengjun blushed and stared, "Don't talk nonsense, I just don't want to be divorced by him back then, it's just embarrassing!"

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