Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1846: Mutsumi Kairin City 2

Many reporters seemed to have received news of Mu Yue's return to Lin City.

I was recognized by reporters when I walked out of the airport.

The passers-by around are very curious about which star is here that has made so many reporters wait.

When the target appeared, passers-by were all curiously stretched their necks to look at.

When Mu Yue saw these people rushing towards him, three black lines fell on his forehead.

Damn, what the **** is this? How come these people rushed in front of him.

"Chu Dong, hello, is the news in the previous news true? You have found your relatives. Is your second uncle Mu Haihua?"

"Hello, Chu Dong, I am..."

"Hello, Dong Chu..."

One by one, the reporters threw their questions to Mu Yue like a cannonball.

Mu Haiye and Mu Yifeng's father and son hurriedly fended off those reporters, "Please let me!"

Secretly, Mu Haiye contacted the airport manager and asked him to send nearby security guards to blast away the reporters.

"Who is this? Which star?"

"I don't seem to be a star, I haven't seen it!"

"It seems, it seems, is the man in the previous newspaper, the chairman of the Longteng Group!"

"The chairman of Longteng Group? Oh, that girl who founded the company when she was a teenager?"

"Is she that Chu Muyue? I heard that she seems to have found her relatives!"

"Yeah, yeah! Moreover, her relatives are still very powerful!"

Passers-by looked at Mu Yue, who was besieged by reporters, and they all started talking with each other with their heads down.

Mu Yue looked at the excitement of the reporters in front of him, raised his hand and pressed it down, "Everyone, please let me?"

"Chu Dong, can you answer our question?" The reporter still asked Mu Yue without giving up.

Mu Yue sighed and said, "I can answer some of your questions. I have found my own father, and I will follow my father's surname in the future. My name is Mu Yue, not Chu Muyue. I am now That's all there is to answer!"

After speaking, she didn't care how she asked about this matter, and left the exit.

The security guards that Mu Haiye called also ran in front of them and stopped the reporters outside, not allowing them to approach Mu Yue and them.

Leaving the airport, getting in the car prepared by Ling Hong, first went to the medicinal restaurant.

I just returned to Linshi and haven't had lunch yet, so I went to the medicinal restaurant to have lunch before going home.

Sitting in the car, Mu Yifeng wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, "It's crazy, these reporters are terrible!"

Mu Yue nodded in agreement, "Yes! Unexpectedly, these reporters would wait here! Miscalculations!"

"These reporters are flies!" Mu Yue said lightly.

Mu Yifeng said with a smile, "This is a good analogy! But you are fragrant, not smelly!"

Mu Yue rolled her eyes at Mu Yifeng angrily. What makes her smelly, not smelly?

"It seems that I have to hide for a while, but fortunately I have to study too!" Mu Yue sighed and said with joy.

However, Mu Yifeng shook his head and said with a smile, disapprovingly, "Hehehe, I don't think I will have a good time at school!"

In the school, I avoided the reporters, but there are also those curious students! It is estimated that a lot of students have to be surrounded by the classroom door every day!

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