Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1848: Mutsumi Kairin City 4

After Qi Rui knew Mu Yue's identity, he was shocked, and he was also extremely reconciled. Mu Yue had such a good life experience.

"Damn!" Qi Rui angrily lost his temper in the box, and threw everything on the table to the ground.

Gao Wenlong, who came to the box, saw Qi Rui's actions and closed the door, "What's wrong?"

Qi Rui looked up, saw Gao Wenlong coming, and sat on the sofa bitterly, and said angrily, "What else can happen, it's not because of that **** Chu Muyue!"

Hearing Qi Rui's words, Gao Wenlong, who was also sitting on the sofa, also flashed a cold light in his eyes.

Thinking of the insult that Mu Yue brought to him, the more anger he felt, the more anger he felt, and the more hate he had in his heart.

"That bitch, I didn't expect that she would be from the Mu family!" Gao Wenlong said with a cold light in his eyes.

Thinking of Mu Yue's identity, her third uncle, Gao Wenlong felt as jealous as he could be.

Compared with Qi Changdong, his backer is really weak.

Qi Rui said angrily, "I'm really not reconciled! Is it just that?"

Gao Wenlong glanced at Qi Rui, thought about it, and sneered, "It's not impossible!"

"Do you have a way?" Qi Rui looked up, looking at Gao Wenlong curiously and expectantly, but frowned and reminded him, "You can teach her, but you can't let them know that we did it. If you offend her, I'm afraid , The Mu family will also trouble us!"

Gao Wenlong shook his head and said, "We are not looking for trouble on the surface, but secretly!"

"In the dark? How to make trouble?" Hearing Gao Wenlong's words, Qi Rui's eyes flashed brightly, looking at him excitedly and expectantly.

Gao Wenlong’s mouth showed a confident and triumphant smile, and said, “You also know that I started a health care product company, and this health care product company inevitably has connections with those medicinal material companies, and Mu Yue, her company, I also contacted those medicinal material companies. Her needs are much more than that of my company!"

Qi Rui still seemed to not understand what Gao Wenlong was saying, frowned, and still asked inexplicably, "What do you mean?"

No wonder he didn't understand the twists and turns in the middle, he was a second-generation official, second-generation ancestor, and only knew how to eat, drink and play.

So, now Gao Wenlong just gave the beginning, but he still didn't understand it. If he were replaced by someone else, he would have understood it a long time ago.

Gao Wenlong still didn't understand when he saw Qi Rui, and he patiently explained to him, "We can take care of the medicinal materials that Mu Yue's company needs!"

Qi Rui understood this immediately, his eyes lit up, and he looked at Gao Wenlong expectantly, "How to do it?"

Gao Wenlong sat beside Qi Rui, whispering his plan in his ear.

Qi Rui listened, nodded frequently, and smiled satisfied, "Hmm! Just do it!"

"My boss of a health care product company is not doing it for nothing!" Gao Wenlong said proudly.

Qi Rui frowned again, reminding him, "Who is going to do this thing? If you are a little careless, let them find us, that's not good!"

"Don't worry, I will find my confidant to do it!" Gao Wenlong smiled and patted Qi Rui's shoulder, and said confidently and proudly.

Qi Rui nodded in relief, "Well, this matter is up to you!"

This is because they didn't know that Gan Yongxin was forced to leave the country because of Mu Yue. If they knew, it is estimated that Mu Yue would not be counted at this time.

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