Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1872: Terrified Brother Biao 3

Mu Yue patted his hands and walked in front of Xiao Junyan, "Senior Brother Xiao, those guys have been solved, this guy will ask me to interrogate first, and then let you solve it later!"

Xiao Junyan glanced at Mu Yue, nodded gently, and threw Brother Biao to the ground.

At this time, Brother Biao almost forgot the pain of being crushed by his bones. He stared at his subordinates, but Mu Yue and Ye Tianming were able to fix it so quickly.

Xiao Junyan's actions caused Brother Biao's bone pain to pull him back, and looked at Xiao Junyan and the others in horror.

Mu Yue walked in front of Brother Biao, squatted down and looked at him with a smile, "How about? Can you cooperate now and tell me, who made you do this?"

Brother Biao looked at Mu Yue with his eyes as if he was looking at a monster. Instead of answering Mu Yue's question, he asked the question in his heart, "You... are you a human or a ghost!"

Mu Yue smiled and said, "I am a man or a ghost, so you don't need to know it. You just need to answer me, who is it that made you trick me about the medicinal materials my company needs?"

Mu Yueli ignored the shock in Biao's heart. She had long since heard these words from many people.

Brother Biao glanced at Mu Yue, and then at Xiao Junyan who was standing behind her. When he met his cold eyes that were as sharp as a cheetah in the dark, his body was trembling.

Although he is the boss of this underworld, he is also a human being, and he is also afraid. The moment he met Xiao Junyan's eyes, a thought came up in his heart to answer all Mu Yue's questions truthfully.

"Yes... It's Gao Wenlong and Qi Shao!" Brother Biao quickly explained to Mu Yue with a trembling voice.

When Mu Yue heard this, she raised her eyebrows, "Gao Wenlong and Qi Rui? It's them!"

To be honest, she was really surprised that Gao Wenlong and Qi Rui did this.

After all, Qi Changdong is a member of the Gan family. After he knew that he was a member of the Mu family, even if he was an enemy, he couldn't do this to her.

As his son, Qi Rui should also know how to measure.

But I didn't expect that this second generation ancestor would not have the brains to get her right.

Mu Yue chuckled lightly and looked at this brother Biao, "Why did he do anything to our company, do you know?"

Brother Biao nodded quickly and said, "I know, of course I know that Qi Rui and the others often come to my bar, and there are many secret things I do for them. Qi Rui and the others feel unwilling, you... Behind you With an extra Mu’s family, I can’t do anything against you in the future, so I set up this trap so that the people in your company can do something good or bad, and they can do it against you!"

In order to have the opportunity to commit crimes and meritorious service, Brother Biao said everything like a bean.

When Mu Yue heard Brother Biao’s explanation, a cold light flashed in his dark and clear eyes, "Okay! It's really good!"

Qi Rui and Gao Wenlong are really courageous enough, aren't they afraid of death?

"Aren't they afraid of dead people?" Mu Yue asked Brother Biao coldly.

Brother Biao shook his head and said, “This is your company’s business. It’s your company’s business. It’s you who are unlucky, so they are not afraid at all. Moreover, this kind of thing is not once or twice. Gao Wenlong also let us before. I did it several times, and the companies that competed with him, without exception, went bankrupt in the end!"

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