Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1874: Brother Biao's Last Rebellion 1

Brother Biao showed the way and asked Xiao Junyan to drive them to his villa on the mountainside.

When they arrived at Brother Biao's villa, Mu Yue and the others got out of the car.

It is worthy of being so many bosses who also opened a casino. How can this villa be bought for two to three million.

Ye Tianming curled his lips and asked, "Where?"

" the study room upstairs!" Brother Biao said tremblingly.

Mu Yue nodded, "Go up!"

Brother Biao brought Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan to his study.

Ye Tianming scanned the study room and turned to look at Brother Biao, "Where?"

"In this cabinet!" Brother Biao came to a row of cabinets and opened a cabinet, revealing the safe inside.

Ye Tianming gave a chuckle, looked at the safe, stubbornly, "Open this safe!"

Brother Biao said aggrievedly, "I...I broke my hand!"

One of his hands was broken and he couldn't open the safe.

"Tell me the password!" Ye Tianming glanced at Brother Biao's wrist that was crumpled alive by Xiao Junyan. He couldn't help but be speechless. The boss's methods were really not ordinary!

Brother Biao said the password of his safe, and Ye Tianming squatted down and pressed the password.

However, when the digital code was pressed, suddenly, the safe opened a small round hole, and with a "shoo", a small knife gleaming with cold light was shot from it.

When a small hole suddenly opened in the safe, Ye Tianming snorted, "No!"

Ye Tianming dodged hurriedly, wiping his cheek with a flashing knife and flew away.

At this very moment, Brother Biao's undamaged hand slapped a cabinet, and a wooden board fell off with a clatter, revealing a groove inside.

A pistol is placed in the groove.

Brother Biao quickly took the pistol with that intact hand, and did not hesitate to pull the trigger at Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan.

However, Brother Biao's hand hadn't moved yet, and two gleaming objects flew towards him.

The same is a thin silver needle with cold light, and the other is a saber with the same cold light, quickly attacking him.

The saber was shot by Xiao Junyan, and the silver needle belonged to Mu Yue.

However, it is obvious that the speed of the saber is much faster than the speed of the silver needle.

Xiao Junyan's reaction speed was much faster than Mu Yue's. When Brother Biao's fingers moved slightly, the gleaming saber had already ruthlessly shot into Brother Biao's undamaged wrist. .

With a "poof", blood was splashed, and Brother Biao's mouth suddenly let out a screaming scream.

I don't know if this saber is sharp, or if Xiao Junyan's attack is fast and ruthless, he directly cut off Brother Biao's hand.

With a "click", Brother Biao's hand and the gun in his hand fell to the ground, making a clear sound of metal collision.

Brother Biao stared, looking at the scene in front of him in disbelief, watching the severed hand, a wound of blood was emerging.

He didn't expect that he could end up like this if he did a good job.

Mu Yue's silver needle followed closely, but his seat was slightly shifted.

Because Xiao Junyan's speed was faster than her, her silver needle was missed, and Brother Biao rubbed the broken part of the wound, passed through the splash of blood, and shot onto the cabinet.

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