The women were sitting directly on the ground and crying, screaming local words that Mu Yue couldn't understand.

Mu Yue couldn't understand what she was talking about, and the waiter was a local. Hearing her yelling, she shouted helplessly, "I said, we don’t have your son in our store, so you can find yours elsewhere. Son!"

"What did she say?" Mu Yue walked to the waiter's side and asked.

The waiter became an interpreter and explained, "This woman said that her son is missing, and she is looking for him!"

Mu Yue nodded, squatted down, grabbed the woman's wrist, took the pulse for her, and asked her with a soft voice, "Auntie, what happened to your son? Is he missing?"

When she was speaking, Mu Yue added a little blessing to her voice, so that the moody middle-aged woman gradually calmed down, and looked up at Mu Yue expectantly.

"My son, my son is gone, have you met my son?"

Mu Yue took the pulse for the middle-aged woman and determined that it might be because of her son's affairs that made her body yin and yang imbalance, causing her nervousness, making her a little crazy now.

"Auntie, I don't know where your son is, but I will take you to a place, go to the police station, find them, and ask them to help you find your son. They will definitely help you find your son!" Mu Yue said in a tone Very soft, comforting her.

When the woman heard Mu Yue's words, she seemed to believe her, nodded, and kept muttering, "Look for the police to find the police, find the police, find the son, find the police, find the son!"

Ye Tianming came over and asked curiously, "Is this person really sick?"

Mu Yue nodded gently, "Well, it is indeed sick. It should be her son who is missing and unable to bear the consequences, which made him feel a little nervous now!"

"Then send it to the police station, let them help her find her family!" Since they have already helped, and can't just let it go, please help her first!

Qiu Moge paid the money, walked out, looked at the situation curiously, and asked incomprehensibly, "What's the matter?"

Ye Tianming spoke to the woman and said, "This woman has some nerve problems. We plan to send her to the nearby police station first, and let them find her family!"

"Oh, good!" Qiu Moge nodded, but did not refuse.

After asking the waiter where there is a police station nearby, I walked towards the police station.

Qiu Moge looked at the woman curiously, and asked, "Isn't it crazy? How come you look good?"

"Little Junior Sister's method!" Ye Tianming said with a smug smile.

Mu Yue turned her head and explained, "I added a little Zhu Youshu, that is, hypnotism, to ease her mood!"

"Oh!" Qiu Moge nodded clearly.

A few talented people didn't go far, and a man who looked 30 years old ran towards him. He saw the woman next to Mu Yue and he cried out, "My mother!"

The man ran in front of the woman. When the woman saw the man, she threw away Mu Yue's hand, "His father! Where's the son? Have you found your son?"

The man shook his head, "Why did you disappear when I turned my head? Where did you go?"

"I...I went looking for my son!" The woman lowered her head, not daring to look at the man.

The man was angry, but he was helpless. He raised his head and bowed to Mu Yue and the others, "Thank you for sending my wife here!"

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