Zhu Shi got up from the ground, covered his stomach with both hands, only felt that the internal organs in his stomach were about to be kicked out.

He stood up swayingly, with a fierce and painful look on his face, staring at Ye Tianming who was kicking himself, his fingers were trembling, and he gritted his teeth, "You, you...you dare to kick me!"

Ye Tianming raised his chin slightly, and the corners of his lips rose, "Didn't you say you want to roll? I was very kind to let you experience it!"

"You, you..." Zhu Shi heard Ye Tianming's words, and his body was trembling.

I don't know if it was because of anger that the internal organs in my stomach hurt even more, and there was a violent cough, and the whole person knelt on the ground.

"Ha!" Seeing Zhu Shi's appearance, everyone laughed again, but this time everyone didn't laugh very arrogantly, covering their mouths, holding back their smiles.

Ye Tianming and Qiu Moge were the only ones who could laugh without any scruples, and the laughter did not hide anything.

Zhu Shi touched his stomach, his eyes filled with spiteful expressions, his eyes murmured, as if he was looking for weapons in the yard to resist.

Sure enough, when he saw a hatchet in the yard, he ran over. After picking it up, he screamed and rushed out towards Ye Tianming outside the door.

Seeing the appearance of this Zhu Shi, the villagers around who watched the show all screamed, and all of them moved backwards, hoping not to be affected by the pond fish.

Ye Tianming snorted coldly, ignoring Zhu Shi raising the falling hatchet, raising his hand to catch Zhu Shi's hand holding the hatchet, and twisting it gently.

Zhu Shi suddenly let out a screaming scream, unconsciously let go of his hand, and then fell to the ground by the hatchet he was holding.

I don’t know if Zhu Shi’s luck is bad, or if he has done too many wicked things, God finally opened his eyes.

This chopper was a coincidence. Not only did it all fall to the ground, the other half hit Zhu Shi’s toes severely, and it hurt suddenly. This guy screamed again and again. It also jumped up.

Everyone in the surrounding villages watched what happened, staring, opening their mouths one by one, looking at the hapless Zhu Shi.

Ye Tianming couldn't help but smile, and directly threw Zhu Shi to the ground, causing him to fall heavily to the ground.

The corner of Mu Yue's mouth twitched fiercely. She really didn't know what to say, she could only shook her head gently, and said in secret, it was not that the time had not come.

Zhu Shi touched his hand and his painful toe again, screaming in his mouth, full of pain and resentment.

The old village chief and others all looked at Zhu Shi, who was unlucky at this time, with sympathy. Now they only had sympathy in their eyes, and what they deserved to be and gloat, without the strong resentment they had before.

Mu Yue looked at Zhu Shi sitting on the ground and pulled Ye Tianming away.

She felt that if she didn't speak, she guessed her purpose of coming here would be to teach Zhu Shi instead of buying land.

"You are the chief of this village!" Mu Yue squatted down, looking at Zhu Shi and asked.

Zhu Shi's face was full of pain, her brows frowned fiercely, and she turned to look at Mu Yue. At this time, there was a burst of pain in her mind.

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