Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1894: The unbeaten gangster village chief 2

Zhu Shi, who was regarded as air by everyone, finally recovered, and the pain on his body was also cushioned, and he got up from the ground.

When he stood up, Zhu Shi's body shook.

Zhu Shi rushed out from the inside, staring at Mu Yue, "You, **** dare to hit me!"

Mu Yue raised her eyebrows and looked at Zhu Shi and blinked, "Sorry, I stretched my waist just now and accidentally kicked you!"

"Puff!" Ye Tianming and Qiu Moge couldn't help laughing when they heard Mu Yue's words.

They didn't believe this.

Kick a person when he stretches his waist? It's so funny.

However, Zhu Shi's body was trembling because of Mu Yue's words. He stared at her, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

Mu Yue glanced at Zhu Shi and said, "Since you are up, let's talk about the price of the land and mountain tops here!"

"Price? Ha ha ha!" Zhu Shi looked at Mu Yue with a sneer, his eyes full of hatred, "50 million! As long as you give me 50 million, I will give you the hilltop!"

When the old village chief heard this, his face suddenly became very ugly, fifty million? For them, it is simply astronomical!

When people in the same village heard this number, they were all stunned, staring at Zhu Shi with staring eyes.

Fifty million? Is he really going to sell the land here?

They are mountainous areas, so how much money they can have, it would be good to be able to allocate tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands for each family, and they are also relieved.

However, this guy actually said tens of millions!

They don't think that this guy will give them money, which must be his own embezzlement.

Mu Yue sneered at Zhu Shi, "Are you kidding me?"

"Just kidding?" Zhu Shi showed an arrogant and rampant laughter on his face, staring at his eyes, "I never make a joke. I even dared to beat Lao Tzu just now. Lao Tzu must crush you under your body!"

A cold light flashed in Ye Tianming's eyes, his figure flashed, and he kicked Zhu Shi again.

This time, Zhu Shi was no longer able to get up from the ground like being kicked twice before, and fainted directly lying on the ground.

Seeing Zhu Shi passed out, Ye Tianming just snorted coldly, "Passed out, you are lucky!"

If Zhu Shi didn't faint, he would definitely shoot again.

Mu Yue looked at the fainted Xiao Junyan in front of him, turned to look at the old village chief, and said, "Old man, can you ask people in the village who can do the master's work together, and let's discuss the situation of the land and hills? "

"Good, good!" When the old village chief heard Mu Yue's words, he nodded quickly, and then quickly said to the surrounding villagers, "Everyone has heard that, hurry up and call the person in charge of your house to come to my house and discuss the big matter! "

Hearing what Mu Yue and the old village chief said, no matter where the people watching the theatre around you still have the thought of watching the theatre again, they all ran home to call home or go to the field to find their relatives and go to the old village chief’s house. , To discuss this important matter.

Although Zhu Shi is the village head, they still ignore him directly. After all, they always have the land certificate for their land on hand. Even if they want to sell it, they will sell it instead of Zhu Shi, so the money is also theirs. take.

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