Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1896: The unbeaten gangster village chief 4

"Ah! There is still a house?"

"Can there still be a house?"

"that is really good!"

"New house? Really?"

When the people in the village heard Mu Yue's words, they felt that all this was incredible, and also a little unbelievable.

They didn't expect that Mu Yue not only gave them money, but also gave them the house. They just thought it was incredible.

This is simply a pie in the sky.

Mu Yue seemed to know that they didn't believe it, and said to everyone, "I have to give you this house. There are two reasons for this!"

"There are two other reasons?" Curious and surprised expressions appeared on everyone's faces.

"First, when I buy your land, then here, where everyone lives, I will also tear down and build a working building. This is the first condition!"

When everyone heard it, they nodded their heads suddenly. It turned out that they wanted to build their own work building!

"The second reason is that I will not only recruit you to plant Chinese medicinal materials for my company, but also other staff who come here to work, such as experts in planting Chinese medicinal materials and some security personnel, all of whom need accommodation. The houses I built are not only for you, but also for the staff. They are their rental houses! Do you understand?"

Hearing Mu Yue's explanation, everyone understood that it was not just for them, but also for other employees of the company. No wonder they were building houses.

"Yeah! We get it!"

"It's not just for us, no wonder!"

"Hey, that's really good!"

After getting an explanation, everyone who was satisfied was even more satisfied.

However, at this time, the old village chief was asking Mu Yue again, "Well, this is our new house, we...Should we pay for it?"

Hearing the words of the old village chief, everyone thought of it, and then cast an expectant look at Mu Yue.

Mu Yue smiled and shook his head, and said, "If you want money, we are divided into two categories. If you want a house, we will give it to you, but the money will not be given to you. If you don’t want a house, we will give it to you. The average price of buying a house in the provincial capital, everyone can leave to buy a house, or you can stay here and live in your new house!"

Everyone nodded clearly, and everyone's eyes were full of expectation and excitement.

For people like them, the most real thing is a house. As long as there is a house, it means there is a home and accommodation.

These villagers still have old ideas in their hearts, and having a house is the most real thing.

Otherwise, why should everyone buy a house when they get married? This proves the importance of the house and the importance that everyone attaches to him.

Mu Yue was also relieved to see the satisfaction smiles on everyone's faces. It seemed that these villagers were satisfied with their own benefits.

Ye Tianming laughed, and said to Qiu Moge next to him, "It seems to be a success!"

"That's a must!" Qiu Moge smiled and said naturally.

At this moment, a burst of arrogant shouts came, "Who beat our pig brother just now, get out of me!"

Hearing the shouts outside, all of the people in the entire compound changed slightly, revealing a look of horror and worry.

Mu Yue and Ye Tianming looked at each other, sneered in their hearts, here it is!

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