Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1902: Defamation of reputation 3

Mu Yue and the old village chief were eating rice porridge in the courtyard. At this moment, a few young men in police uniforms walked into the old village chief's small courtyard.

Ye Tianming and Mu Yue looked up and glanced at the police officers who walked in. A cold light flashed in their eyes.

It's Zhu Shi again!

Since he brought it to the door himself, he would solve it by the way, and save them the trouble that they would come to them later.

Seeing them, the old village chief said to Mu Yue and they reminded them, "They are our police station police. Be careful, they often get mixed up with Zhu Shi!"

"we know!"

"Guess it too!"

Ye Tianming and Mu Yue sneered, their eyes were full of deep chills when they looked at these people.

These guys are really looking for death!

Qiu Moge also put down the tableware and prepared to see what happened to these policemen coming over, and whether they would be dealt with by Ye Tianming and Mu Yue, even their parents didn't know them.

The first one, a young man who looked older, raised his eyebrows and swept over the three of Mu Yue.

"Which of you beat Village Chief Zhu yesterday?"

Mu Yue and Ye Tianming laughed and said, "We haven't beaten Chief Zhu, I just stepped on a pile of pig shit!"

"En En En! That's right, it's just that I accidentally stepped on a pile of pig shit!" Ye Tianming nodded in agreement, but his heart was already overwhelmed.

Hahaha, guessing a tuft of pig shit, Mu Yue can really tell it!

Qiu Moge barely got choked by his saliva, if he hadn't put down his bowls and chopsticks, otherwise he would have porridge again.

How can these policemen fail to understand what Mu Yue and Ye Tianming mean?

The policeman who asked the question sneered and said, "It seems that you are confessing your crime!"

"Plead guilty? What did we confess?" Mu Yue and Ye Tianming looked at each other and asked puzzledly.

Ye Tianming also nodded very puzzled and asked, "That's right, what did we admit?"

"You admitted that you beat the village chief Zhu Shi!" The policeman was very angry and dissatisfied with Mu Yue and Ye Tianming's pretending to be stupid, and shouted.

Mu Yue and Ye Tianming shrugged and said, "We didn't admit it!"

"Don't admit it, you said it just now!" The policeman said confidently.

Ye Tianming turned his head in confusion and asked Mu Yue, "What did we just say?"

"I just said that I just stepped on a bunch of pig shit!" Mu Yue shook her head slightly, the expression on her face was very dazed and puzzled.

Ye Tianming scratched his head and asked inexplicably, "Yeah, is this also guilty?"

"Tsk tusk, it's the first time I heard that stepping on pig **** is also a crime!" Mu Yue said innocently.

"Puff!" Mu Yue's words immediately made Qiu Moge unbearable and smiled.

He knew that if these two people got together, it would definitely be maddening.

Even the old village chief on the side couldn't help laughing when he heard it, and he agreed with this metaphor in his heart. Zhu Shi, that's a pile of pig shit! Not a person at all!

"You guys!" All of the policemen who came were staring at their faces because Mu Yue and Ye Tianming made their faces look bad.

"What's wrong with us? Are we wrong?" Ye Tianming blinked his eyes and asked innocently.

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