Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1920: The aggrieved old man Hua 2

Mu Yue stayed at Mu's house for one night, and then went to the cemetery to pay homage to his grandmother with Mu and the others.

Although Mu Yue had come to worship her grandma with the Mu family last time, but this time it was the Ching Ming Festival, so she definitely couldn't be absent.

Old man Mu was full of tears on his old face, and he sighed and sighed, "Old lady, girl, she is back, and you can look at you in the spring! This time I brought Xiao Yue'er to see you for the second time!"

Mu Yue also knelt in front of the tomb with tears in her eyes, "Grandma, unfilial grandson and daughter came to see you!"

Elder Mu patted Mu Yue on the shoulder and comforted him softly, "Xiao Yue, stop crying, your grandma is now in the spirit of heaven, she will definitely be comforted! You can return home safely, your grandma will bless you!"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded lightly and wiped her tears.

A group of Mu family bowed to the grandma in front of the tomb, burned the paper money, and left after cleaning up.

However, when everyone came to the parking lot, they were hitting the Hua family who had just got out of the car.

When Mu Yue saw the people of the Hua family, a glint flashed in her eyes. The last time she returned to the family, she had also seen it at the banquet.

Even if she hadn't seen it, she had seen photos of all the direct members of the Hua family from Mu Haixuan and the others, and she was very clear on her face.

Seeing them, Mu Yue immediately recognized them, especially the headed old man with a head full of Huafa, that is, Mr. Hua.

"Isn't this Lao Mu? You are here too!" Mr. Hua smiled and greeted Mr. Mu.

Although they were outside, everyone knew that the relationship between the Hua family and the Mu family was not good, and they were fighting each other secretly.

However, in this kind of public occasion, everyone will still do a good job.

Mr. Hua also saw Mr. Mu and the others, and even noticed Mu Yue who was supporting Mr. Mu, and he secretly praised him. As expected, he was well-deserved, and he was a good child! It's a pity that she is not from their Hua family!

For Mu Yue's first impression, Mr. Hua still gave a very pertinent judgment.

Elder Mu also showed a smile on his face, and said to Elder Hua, "Yes, yeah! Lao Hua, you are here too!"

"Yes!" Father Hua sighed deeply, and said helplessly, "I am old, my legs are not falling off, take advantage of the time I can walk now, come to see my wife, I am afraid that soon, I will go down to accompany my wife. My son and those brothers before!"

When Mr. Mu heard Mr. Hua's words, his old face suddenly showed a bright smile, "Yes, yeah, but I think my body, old man, is great, I believe, it’s not a dead end for eight years and ten years. And, even if you are sick, there is still my precious granddaughter! I won’t go to meet those brothers so early!"

Originally, everyone was an old man with one foot in the coffin. When he said these things, they would agree.

But this time, Mr. Mu was very arrogant and didn't directly agree with Mr. Hua, but turned a corner.

He Mu had a granddaughter with superb medical skills. Even if he was sick, any serious illness would not kill him unless it was a normal natural death.

Normal natural death, it must be a hundred years old, or even more than one hundred years old, this is not what Old Man Hua would like to see.

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