Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1922: The aggrieved old man Hua 4

Compared to the people of the Hua family, the Mu family felt a dark refreshment in their hearts.

"Girl, awesome!"

"Xiao Yue'er is Xiao Yue'er, and the Hua family is **** off as soon as she speaks!"

"Hahaha, nemesis, nemesis! Why doesn't the Hua family benefit from Xiao Yueer?"

"Hey, Hua family, this is your own death! You can't blame them!"

Everyone in the Mu family looked at the Hua family's eyes full of pride and gloat, and they secretly encouraged and admired Mu Yue's mouth.

Because what Mu Yue said was absolutely level.

There is a lot of meaning hidden in the words. After all, the marriage contract between Mu Haixuan and Hua Fengjun back then was definitely a shame for the Hua family.

Back then, because of the two of them, they made a lot of jokes about the big and small families in the capital!

This time Mu Yue's return also caused the Jingcheng family to recall what happened in the past and mention the old things again. The Hua family has once again become the target of public criticism and has become everyone's laughing stock.

This is also telling the Hua family, and because your Hua family gave up such a marriage, she gave birth to such a stone that can make their Hua family eat slumped and stumble on the road.

With a bright smile on his face, Mr. Hua praised Mu Yue for a while, "Good, good... okay! She is really a smart girl!"

However, the people in the Mu family also heard it, how gritted his teeth was when Mr. Hua said this!

I want to put Mu Yue into my mouth, then chew and eat.

Who made it possible that because of Mu Yue, perhaps the evenly matched situation between the Mu family and the Hua family would be broken, the Mu family's big boat would go up against the wind and the waves, and their Hua family would be sunk by the tumbling waves.

Thanks to Mu Yue's superb Chinese medicine skills, if Mr. Hua did not hold on and the Hua family did not truly reach the highest position, then they would sink forever, but the Mu family was different.

There was Mu Yue in the Mu family. As long as he didn't encounter any assassination or other deaths, his life span would definitely be longer than that of Mr Hua.

Although the Mu family has the highest status now, and the person who can call the shots is the second master Mu Haihua, but the existence of Master Mu still cannot be erased.

As long as Mr. Mu is there, the Mu family will never fall.

"Thank you Grandpa Hua for the compliment!" Mu Yue also accepted all the compliments of Grandpa Hua without blushing, and was very polite and not humble in attitude.

"Hehe, it's great!" A gleam of light flashed through the eyes of the old man Hua.

It's really good indeed. His old man has been in politics for decades, and at this time he lost to a little girl like Mu Yue.

"Haha, that's a must!" Old man Mu was even more proud, "Lao Hua! This kind of thing, I can't envy you, it all depends on fate, it depends on fate! We have finished sweeping the tomb, so we won’t be here Stay longer!"

Father Hua also nodded in agreement, "Hehehe, you go slowly, we have to go up to sweep the grave, so I won't say more here!"

He only felt that if he stayed here any longer, he would become a member of the cemetery directly if he was so angry.

"Hehe, then let's go!" With a bright smile on his face, Mr. Mu waved his hand arrogantly at his children and grandchildren, "Let's go, go home!"

Today, his old man is in a particularly good mood, and he is better!

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