Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1929: Brother Xiao who doesn't understand romance 3

Xiao Junyan took Mu Yue to the cinema, and the two bought drinks and popcorn and walked into the dark cinema.

At the beginning of the 21st century, every couple who came to the cinema was a romantic date, and Xiao Fengyi was no exception, so he immediately thought of the cinema and ordered two love movies for them, most suitable for Mu Yue and the others. .

Mu Yue held popcorn in both hands, put it in his mouth while eating, and asked curiously, "Is this also the movie chosen by Fengyi?"

"Yeah!" Xiao Junyan nodded.

After hearing this, Mu Yue really didn't know whether to be happy or angry.

Who is dating, and who is asking whom to go out on a date!

Why are these arrangements made by others? Did you make her the protagonist happy?

"Why is it all arranged by Sister Fengyi? Isn't it your arrangement?"

Xiao Junyan pursed his lips and looked at Mu Yue, but did not speak, as if he had acquiesced.

Mu Yue raised her hand to help her forehead helplessly. To tell the truth, if the present is the future and there is a circle of friends, she will definitely show off. She is a cute and stupid brother, how will her boyfriend fall in love in the future.

After the show, there will definitely be a lot of exclamations and spit words below.

Xiao Junyan looked at Mu Yue with a very displeased expression, a little worried, "What's the matter? Unhappy?"

Mu Yue smiled, she could only show a bright smile, "No? How could I be upset?"

But how could her performance convince Xiao Junyan?

Xiao Junyan frowned, staring into Mu Yue's eyes, "You are lying!"

Mu Yue suddenly smashed his mouth, glared at Xiao Junyan, and smashed popcorn in his arms, "You said I can be happy? The date of the two of us was arranged by someone else. Is it me and Are you dating, or, I’m dating your sister!"

Xiao Junyan looked at the popcorn in his arms, then looked at Mu Yue's somewhat hateful look of iron and steel, then grabbed Mu Yue's bright wrist and stood up.

Mu Yue looked at Xiao Junyan later, "What are you doing?"

"Let's go to see other movies, not what my sister arranged!" Xiao Junyan said very solemnly.

Mu Yue almost didn't fall off the stool. He was a boyfriend with negative emotional intelligence!

She feels that the road to romantic love she can have in the future is very, very long, I am afraid, even if she is dead, she will not be able to realize it!

"Sit down!" Mu Yue grabbed Xiao Junyan's hands with both hands, and pulled him back on the stool, casting apologetic eyes at the audience who cast curious eyes around him, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry to disturb you!"

Because Xiao Junyan's movement completely caused everyone around him to notice them, and they all looked at them with curious eyes.

Xiao Junyan silently returned to his seat and looked at her, "Not going anymore?"

Mu Yue rolled her eyes angrily, "What are you going for? A waste of money!"

"It's okay, I'll pay for it!" Xiao Junyan said very domineeringly as a tyrant.

Mu Yue almost sprayed, and said silently, "Your money will also belong to me in the future, I have to save a little bit!"

Even if you have money, you don’t need it, right?

Xiao Junyan nodded, and said solemnly, "Okay, I will give you all my money from now on!"

"That's a must!" Mu Yue smiled triumphantly, with more or less speculation in his heart, how big is this guy's purse?

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