Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1936: Do you think i want 2

Ye Tianming touched his nose, rolled his eyes, and immediately figured out what was going on, he laughed, "I see, don't participate in this matter for you, if you participate, there will be no people on both sides!"

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone, and Ye Tianming touched his chin, with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, "Hey, the movie theater, it's the old way, it must be the boss!"

Needless to say, Ye Tianming had already guessed the outline of this matter.

Only an outsider, Mu Jia and Xiao Junyan, knew the little thoughts.

It must be to go out on a date with Mu Yue, and she kept the information from the people of Mu's family. Now that the people of Mu's family find something is wrong, they will look for Mu Yue.

She couldn't get in touch with Mu Yue for a while, so she looked for someone.

But, he thought it was strange, why are those guys looking for them instead of the elders?

Ye Tianming would never guess that it was Mr. Mu who used this matter to test them specifically in order to give them a test.

Therefore, they only look for people they know, not their parents.

After thinking about it, he couldn't figure it out. Ye Tianming called Xiao Junyan again, but found that Xiao Junyan's cell phone couldn't get through.

"It must be watching a movie with the little sister!" Ye Tianming hung up the phone and said helplessly.

After thinking about it, should I tell the boss about this matter?

They must have gone to the cinema to look for it. Isn't this just waiting to catch a turtle in the urn?

Thinking that the situation was not good, Ye Tianming quickly contacted Xiao Fengyi again. She should know where Xiao Junyan is going today, right?

"Hey, Sister Fengyi, where is the boss?" Ye Tianming asked curiously and anxiously.

Xiao Fengyi took the phone and looked at the nails on her fingers boredly, thinking whether she was going to fix her nails, and answered Ye Tianming's question, "He! Of course it's going to the movies. !"

When Ye Tianming heard this, he asked anxiously, "Which cinema did you go to?"

"What are you asking so much for? The two of them have lived in a two-person world. It is a date. It is not proper for you to go!" Xiao Fengyi reminded in an angry voice.

Ye Tianming shook his head quickly and explained, "Sister Fengyi, where did you think of going? I just want to know where they are. People in Mu's family are looking for the movie theater. I have to inform the boss, but the boss has a cell phone. It's all turned off!"

Hearing Ye Tianming's words, Xiao Fengyi raised her eyebrows and said the name of the movie theater where Xiao Junyan and Mu Yue were going.

A joke, would she not know? She bought this movie theater ticket!

However, he reminded Ye Tianming, "Since you know about this matter, leave it to you to deal with it, I don't care, don't let the people of the Mu family find Mu Yue!"

"Why?" Ye Tianming was taken aback when he heard it, and asked in a puzzled way.

Xiao Fengyi snorted and said, "The two people are so careless about me as a single girl, and they show their affection in front of me. Can you say I can't be angry? I don't want to go to them, lest I have to eat dinner today. Don’t let it go! Let’s not talk about it, I have to get my nails done, and I have to go home after I get my nails done!"

Ye Tianming wanted to say something, but when he heard that his mobile phone was hung up by Xiao Fengyi, he was a little bit dumbfounded.

"Do you think I want to?" Ye Tianming was also aggrieved, every time he was with the boss and the others, he had to be fed dog food!

His mouthful of dog food is too much for him to eat.

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