Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1943: Crossroad car accident 1

Leaving the mall, Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan put their clothes in the car first, and then went shopping elsewhere.

Xiao Junyan and Mu Yue walked out of the mall and walked along the street to see if there was anything of interest in the shops on the side of the road.

This is an old street with a little antiquity. Outside is a high-rise building of the 21st century. When you turn a corner, the style is completely different.

"It looks good here!" Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan held hands and walked into the trail that could only be driven by two cars back and forth.

This place is full of the old Beijing flavor of the capital. Many people are wandering here, and even a small group of tourist teams are seen passing through here. The guide in front of the mouth is spitting about the old street. story.

I have seen a lot of shops, and most of them are mainly souvenirs sold in tourist attractions, as well as some special snacks from the old capital.

Mu Yue held the snack he had just bought in her hand, took a bite by herself and fed it to Xiao Junyan, and was about to reach the end of the road, standing in a store full of antiques.

Looking up, I saw three simple and simple characters written on the door plaque, "Fushengtang!"

Mu Yue asked a lot of familiarity, and the friendly smell of Chinese medicinal materials floated out of it.

"This is the Chinese Medicine Museum?" Mu Yue stretched her head and looked inside, a little curious.

Xiao Junyan nodded, "Well, it seems to be!"

"Unexpectedly, there is a Chinese medicine clinic here!" Mu Yue stood at the door and looked at it.

There were few people watching inside, and a few old people standing in front of the Chinese herbal medicine cabinet taking medicine.

Xiao Junyan stood beside Mu Yue, watching her look inside, and asked, "Want to go in?"

"I want to go in and have a look, but I'm not sick, so forget it!" Mu Yue shook his head and refused.

If you are not sick and you are still a Chinese medicine practitioner, you will be easily misunderstood if you go in this way, so forget it.

"It's okay, I'm sick!" Xiao Junyan said lightly. He also knew that his bullet was difficult to take out. This should be considered a disease.

Mu Yue looked up at Xiao Junyan, and was so dumbfounded by his words that he didn't know whether to laugh or to feel sorry for his pitiful situation.

"Don't talk nonsense, you are not sick, I will cure you!" Mu Yue gave Xiao Junyan a fierce look, and said remindingly.

The bullet in his brain, she will definitely find a way to remove him, and will never affect him again.

Xiao Junyan nodded, his eyes filled with deep love, "Okay, I will wait for you to heal me!"

Mu Yue pursed her lips, and her heart became more determined. She must work harder to learn Chinese medicine, and to improve her binocular ability. When that happens, she will be able to help Xiao Junyan.

However, she still doesn't know how her eyes can accelerate the improvement.

Only one thing she understands is that she will improve her cultivation base according to her secret method, so she must also work hard to improve her cultivation base.

"Go in?" Xiao Junyan asked still concerned.

Mu Yue thought for a while and nodded, "Well, I haven't met many doctors of Chinese medicine when I was in Beijing. I also want to see what the Chinese medicine doctors in Beijing are like!"

"Good!" Xiao Junyan took Mu Yue's hand and walked into this Fushengtang together.

It was just that the two of them stepped forward, and there was a creaking brake sound at the crossroad not far outside, followed by a loud crash.

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