Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1958: Want to be soft and cute great-granddaughter 1

Mu Yue was lost and lost.

Just as Xiao Junyan was about to carry the gun on the horse, his movements stopped.

Xiao Junyan came back to his senses and looked at Mu Yue under him, with clarity in his mind, "Yue!"

He looked down again and saw that he was not wearing any clothes at all at this time, all of which were exposed in front of Mu Yue, suddenly a little dark.

He didn't expect that he would do such a thing.

She obviously agreed that she did not get her permission and did not wait for the end of her adult university.

Xiao Junyan quickly picked up the bath towel that had fallen on the ground, wrapped it around his waist, and looked worriedly at Mu Yue, who was lying on the bed, as if he hadn't recovered.

Mu Yue felt that the pressure on her body was gone, and Xiao Junyan's hot kiss was gone, and she gradually recovered.

When she returned to her senses, Mu Yue stood up suddenly, shocked and unbelievable.

She didn't expect that she was really playing with fire and set herself on fire!

Mu Yue turned to look at Xiao Junyan. If he didn't stop in time this time, maybe they would be wrong.

Xiao Junyan looked at Mu Yue without knowing it. In fact, all of this was Mu Yue playing with fire and set himself on fire, so he only felt that it was his fault.

"Yes... I'm sorry!" Xiao Junyan quickly walked to Mu Yue's side, the iceberg face disappeared, and his face was full of guilt and self-blame.

Mu Yue picked up the broken hair between her forehead and straightened her messy hair. She looked at Xiao Junyan and coughed, "You are not to blame for this!"

"I'm sorry!" Xiao Junyan still held Mu Yue's hand tightly at this time.

Mu Yue pulled his hand out, and his eyes fell on Xiao Junyan's body, and he saw that his face turned pale in an instant.

At the moment when he saw Xiao Junyan's pale face, Mu Yue felt a pain in his heart, and hugged his neck with both hands, "I didn't blame you, really, don't say sorry to me!"

Hearing what Mu Yue said in his ears, Xiao Junyan's pale complexion instantly recovered, as if a big rock fell in his heart.

Seeing Mu Yue pulling out his hand just now, he thought... he thought she didn't forgive him.

Fortunately, she was not angry with him, fortunately!

"I will control myself in the future!" Xiao Junyan hugged Mu Yue, his heart was like a roller coaster at this time, and he didn't have that mood anymore, he just wanted to have her like this.

Mu Yue patted Xiao Junyan on the back, "It's okay, you should get dressed, let's go out!"

"Okay!" Xiao Junyan nodded, but he was unwilling to let Mu Yue go.

Mu Yue let go of his hands, showing that someone is still reluctant to let go, threateningly said, "If you don't let me go, I will be angry!"

"Okay!" Sure enough, when he heard Mu Yue's threatening words, Xiao Junyan released his hands and hurriedly took his clothes to the bathroom to change.

He is afraid that if he changes here, he will be unable to control himself whatever happens, so he should go to the bathroom to change it to be safe.

Looking at Xiao Junyan's somewhat fleeing figure, Mu Yue covered her mouth and chuckled, then touched her cheek again, feeling that her whole body was hot and her heartbeat was fast.

Who made that kind of relationship happen to them just now?

Thinking about it, Mu Yue felt a little flustered.

There is a feeling of wanting to succeed directly, and I am a little bit stunned by the sudden stop just now, and now I think about it, and I am fortunate. Fortunately, Xiao Junyan has not done anything to himself, otherwise, his family will go crazy.

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