Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1966: Car accident with a big backing 5

Because of Gu An, Mu Yue could only postpone going to Sichuan Province to deal with the land.

But it was only delayed for two days, and Xiao Junyan was also sent to the airport in the middle, and she left after watching him leave.

When Mu Yue came to the hospital again, she saw the kid Chi Yan sitting on the edge of the ice bed, snapping the apple in her hand.

Chi Yan saw Mu Yue's arrival, smiled and waved to her, "Hi!"

Mu Yue came over, "Why are you here?"

"Let me see if this kid is dead! But, I think, with your medical skills, you can definitely save him, and make him live and live!" When Chi Yan spoke, his body was in posture, it was called An excitement!

Mu Yue cast a blank look at Chi Yan, ignoring him, put his consultation box on the table, and said to Gu An, who was still weak on the bed, "After I give you a needle today and tomorrow, I I'm leaving, you just have to take the prescription I prescribed for you!"

When Gu An heard that he wanted to take the bitter and not **** Chinese medicine again, he nauseated and felt like vomiting, "Can you stop taking this medicine? It's bitter!"

"Then you just lie down on the bed and don't get up!" Mu Yue spoke without mercy, but she still arranged her silver needle in her hand.

Gu An smashed his mouth, feeling very awkward. He really can't move now, and every movement is painful and unbearable all over his body.

"To be honest, I really didn't want to save you at the time. If you encounter something like this for the second time, I won't save you!" Mu Yue said to Gu An, taking advantage of the people who don't have family care.

"Cut!" Gu An rolled his eyes at Mu Yue, he didn't believe it.

Mu Yue glanced at him and saw that this guy rolled his eyes, knowing that he did not believe it, grinned, showing a row of white teeth, "It seems that you do not believe it, I think, I can let you slowly recover in the process. In the middle of, I have a good experience of how painful the injury is. I believe that with this experience, you will never have a second chance!"

Gu An faced Mu Yue’s brilliant smile, and couldn’t help but tremble. I didn’t know why, so he subconsciously shook his head and swears, "No, I’ll never drink again, and I’ll never drive drunk again. Up!"

"Hehehe, is it?" Mu Yue chuckled lightly, satisfied with Gu An's reaction, "If there is another chance next time, I will let you lie in bed forever, and experience the pain in your body every day. !"

"Ao!" Mu Yue put one of his hands on the wound on Gu An's body, and the pain suddenly made him let out a miserable cry.

Chi Yan, who was watching all the time, didn't know that the apple he was holding in his hand fell to the ground, and his body trembled fiercely.

He never knew that Mu Yue had such a cruel side. Looking at Gu An, who was not afraid of the sky, he would show such a frightened expression. It was really terrifying.

After all, in the eyes of the second generation of officials, the family members indulge them, and no one really dares to treat them like this.

But now they are facing Mu Yue, it's hard for them to say, it is true that she is holding a chicken feather as an arrow!

The people in the Gu family would not believe what Gu An said, saying that Mu Yue intentionally hurt him, and the Gu family would only ask him to shut his mouth obediently and receive Mu Yue's treatment.

Because Gu An has tried it once, and when Mu Yue was treated for the first time, he deliberately touched Gu An's wound, which made him suffer.

He didn't want Mu Yue to treat him, but Gu's family did both soft and hard. They comforted him while scolding him. They were not allowed to resist, and listened to Mu Yue obediently. This made him experience the feeling that he should not call the earth and the earth ineffective every day.

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