Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1973: Take children to practice evil arts 1

After watching Ye Tianming leave the room and closed the door, Mu Yue took a deep breath. She didn't expect the opponent to be so difficult this time. She had to catch that guy before he succeeded in practicing.

Mu Yue pinched her hands, lifted the vitality in her body, and moved her eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, Mu Yue's dark eyes became a bit misty, and his eyes seemed not to be here.

Suddenly, Mu Yue's eyes seemed to see a thousand miles away, in that cave, a middle-aged man wearing black clothes, the whole face gave people a gloomy feeling, whether it was the exposed face or The hands seem to be just bones wrapped in a layer of skin, giving people a very gloomy feeling.

Those eye pupils that are pressing are a little sunken, and the bags under the eyes are a little black and swollen.

Mu Yue looked at this middle-aged man sitting cross-legged. He didn't look like a middle-aged man at all. He should be a scrawny old man. It was just that his hair was black, but he felt that he was still young.

After staring at that person for a while, Mu Yue's gaze shifted to see if there were any clues for her to find.

At this moment, the middle-aged man sitting cross-legged opened his own eyes. Those eyes were like cheetahs in the dark night, giving people a very frightening feeling.

Mu Yue was shocked when she saw it, and her body trembled.

The middle-aged man seemed to feel that someone was looking at him, glanced around, his whole body was released, and a powerful force burst out of his body.

Mu Yue's body trembled, and his eyes quickly pulled out of that place. The moment he pulled it out, a mouthful of red blood spurted out of Mu Yue's mouth.

Ye Tianming, who had been standing outside, quickly pushed the door open when he heard the movement inside, and saw a pool of blood in front of the bed.

Ye Tianming hurried to the bed, supported Mu Yue who was about to fall, and asked with concern, "Little Junior Sister, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me, if you have anything, the boss will definitely pull my skin. Understand!"

Mu Yue wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and shook his head, "It's okay, but when I was checking that guy, the energy bounced back!"

"Energy backlash?" Ye Tianming was taken aback when he heard it, and then the pupils of his eyes shrank, "You mean, his cultivation base is very high?"

"Yes, it is very likely that he is already at the peak of Huajin, but he is now at a level, and he intends to use those children to improve his cultivation!" Mu Yue gasped.

Ye Tianming nodded as he listened, "It's so high, then why not find your dad!"

"Yeah! I'll call him right away, inform him, and let him come right away 1" Mu Yue nodded, also agreeing very much.

Since it is the peak of Huajin, then only his father can deal with it.

However, before Mu Yue took out the phone, a leader from the special department walked in with someone.

Ye Tianming saw them coming and asked, "Why are you here? Did the investigation find anything?"

"We have already investigated. Counting the two children in this village until now, there are a total of nearly 64 children missing for unknown reasons, and no clues can be found!" the leader said in return.

"Sixty-four people!" When Mu Yue heard the number, her pupils suddenly shrank, "Not good!"

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