The two weakly cultivated people in the team turned back and called for people, while the others continued to go to the cave with Mu Yue and Ye Tianming.

Mu Yue and Ye Tianming quickly came to the vicinity of the cave, and they could feel that this mountain top gave people a creepy feeling.

This cave is located on the back of the mountain, and there is no interesting sunlight all year round. Moreover, there are many trees around, let alone any sunlight that can shine in.

Because of this extreme geographic reason, a good environment is provided for those who practice evil arts.

Mu Yue raised his hand to stop them from coming closer, looked around, and narrowed his eyes, "That's the cave!"

Ye Tianming also glanced around and looked at the cave looming under the shade of the trees. If Mu Yue hadn't pointed it out to them, they wouldn't find it!

"This person hasn't left yet. I feel his breath. Although the breath is great, it is not stable. As you said, he may be practicing breakthroughs here through the blood of those children!" Ye Tianming analyzed. Said.

The rest of the people also saw that cave with a horror in their hearts, and cast a curious look at Mu Yue. How did she know?

"We must take advantage of this situation! We can defeat the strong with the weak. When he is practicing, when his cultivation is the weakest, half of the people will follow us in. As soon as he sees him, he will send out your strongest one Hit! The remaining half stood at the door to block!" Mu Yue turned around and ordered to everyone.

"Yes!" Several people nodded together, the muscles of the whole body were alert.

Ye Tianming and Mu Yue glanced at each other, nodded gently, and disappeared in a flash.

When Ye Tianming appeared again, he didn't know when there were two more sabers shining coldly.

And Mu Yue's hand is a dagger, and a few fine silver needles are sandwiched between the fingers of the other hand.

The rest of those special departments also followed the footsteps of Mu Yue and Ye Tianming and rushed towards the cave.

The cave is still full of weird aura.

A man in black sat cross-legged on the bed, a cloud of black air seemed to fill his eyebrows.

Mu Yue and Ye Tianming rushed into the cave almost at the same time.

The man sitting cross-legged on the bed opened his eyes as soon as Mu Yue and Ye Tianming rushed into the cave, and a flash of anger and cruelty flashed through his eyes.

They are still here!

The man didn't expect that Mu Yue and the others would find it so fast, at least it would take a while.

Several flashes of cold light flashed in this somewhat dark cave, and Mu Yue and Ye Tianming had already fought against the man.

It's just that this man was just still cultivating, and Mu Yue and the others' sudden attack, even more directly without saying a word, made him somewhat restrained.

Even if his cultivation base is higher than Mu Yue and the others, he still can only get a tie.

Ye Tianming and Mu Yue can only do this together. If he succeeds in his cultivation, it is estimated that even Mu Haixuan will not be able to kill him!

What's more, those special department members who can only stand at the entrance of the cave, but cannot join the three-person battle.

Each of these members of the special department stared at their own eyes in surprise. They never expected that Mu Yue was so good at it!

Turns out, he is already a master of chemistry! She... just how old!

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