Xiao Junyan didn't speak any more, as he picked up the internal force in his body, the saber in his hand had already attacked the man.

When the man confronted Xiao Junyan, he was shocked, and he couldn't help but exclaimed, "Hua Jin Peak!"

He didn't expect the man in front of him to be the peak of Huajin. How could this be possible? Such a young peak of Huajin?

He was already surprised that the previous woman and man's cultivation base was Huajin, and the man in front of him turned out to be the peak of Huajin. Just like him, this really shocked him and was too unbelievable.

A cold light flashed in Xiao Junyan's eyes, and he attacked the man, using his actual actions to illustrate his strength.

Mu Yue and Ye Tianming were not at the peak of Huajin, so at the beginning, by the chance of a sneak attack, the two of them worked together to force this man to escape.

However, Xiao Junyan was different. He was the true peak strength of Huajin. Even if he didn't need a sneak attack, he couldn't fight against Xiao Junyan with this man's injured body.

After the man understood Xiao Junyan's strength, a retreat had emerged in his heart.

He knew that if he was not injured and at peak strength, he might still be able to fight the person in front of him, but now that he is injured, he will definitely lose, and he must escape.

Mu Yue and Ye Tianming both stood behind a tree and watched Xiao Junyan's battle with the man. After seeing that the man had discovered Xiao Junyan's cultivation base, he gave birth to a retreat.

"Old guy, don't want to run away today!" Ye Tianming yelled loudly, immediately took out his weapon and joined the battle.

The man did not expect that there would be other people here.

If it were his heyday, he would be able to find out, but now he was injured and was shocked by Xiao Junyan's sudden appearance, so he didn't notice the surroundings.

Now Ye Tianming suddenly joined, making him suffer from the enemy.

But at this time, Xiao Junyan spoke, "Get back and block the way!"

Hearing Xiao Junyan's order, Ye Tianming was taken aback and silently retreated to the side, but he tacitly blocked the man's escape route.

It is estimated that only Ye Tianming knows best at this moment, why Xiao Junyan asked him to do this.

Xiao Junyan wanted to avenge Mu Yue and let this guy accept his angry revenge.

The man was a little surprised when he saw Ye Tianming stepped back. He turned his head and dealt with Xiao Junyan in front of him wholeheartedly. He was a little puzzled, why this person didn't let people join and let him step back.

However, in the face of such a situation, he had no way to escape. He could only find a way to kill Xiao Junyan and then find a way to escape.

A gleam of light flashed in the man's eyes, two small porcelain boxes appeared in his hands, and they were thrown towards Xiao Junyan.

Xiao Junyan saw the small porcelain box with the lid, and with a wave of the saber in his hand, he chopped the small porcelain box in half.

The moment the porcelain box shattered, two insects emerged from the porcelain box.

These two insects looked very strange, and those two sickle-like teeth flew towards Xiao Junyan.

When Mu Yue saw these two insects, he rushed out and shouted at Xiao Junyan, "Brother Xiao, be careful, this is a corpse insect!"

At the moment he shouted, Mu Yue had already waved the silver needle in his hand and shot towards the two corpse insects.

Although Xiao Junyan chopped the two porcelain boxes in front of him into two pieces, this also had a high level of alert for this porcelain box.

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