Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1991: Lianqi Huashen Peak 1

Xie Xiu's hand was dripping against the hand holding the Shengxie dagger, his evil spirit seemed to turn into a black snake, rushing in the air, attacking Mu Yue's teeth.

At this moment, I had been standing in Xiao Junyan's sleeve and dropped a saber on the palm of his hand. When his hand was tight, a black air surrounded the saber.

The moment the evil spirit rushed towards him, Mu Yue's hairs stood up all over her body. This dagger, which had the name of a murder weapon, was not a vain.

It was just this suffocation that Mu Yue already felt a little difficult to handle.

Did you just admit defeat?

Mu Yue was very unwilling to accept this fact.

This is not true. She wants to kill the evil cultivator in front of her here, and she must not let him harm the villagers in the village anymore, but also avenge the children who died!

At this moment, Mu Yue's mind flashed a sentence that the master had said to her, "In addition to the doctor's traditional Chinese medicine, we also have the mysterious character of Qimen Bagua, the character of Xuan. It's all-encompassing, remote, black and red as mystery, and like a secluded one to cover it. The deep magic of the "Dao" body and the profound and unpredictable process of creating all things! Tao can be Tao, but it is not a permanent Tao. The name can be. Name is not constant name. Nameless is the beginning of all things; name is the mother of all things. Therefore, there is no desire, but you can observe it; if you have desire, you can observe what you do. The two come out of the same, but they are different. The name is the same. Mysterious and mystic, the door to all the wonders."

At the moment when Mu Yue closed her eyes and opened her eyes, the nine-color stone in her body seemed to respond to her sentiment, bursting out with bright light, and in that space, it also seemed to be shrouded in colorful glow.

The Chinese medicinal materials, tea trees, etc. planted in the fields are growing vigorously and rapidly under the radiance of this light.


Mu Yue's heart trembled. Taking advantage of this epiphany, the gift of Tao was raised to a deeper level, and the martial art of nurturing Qi was improved by one level, and the distance between the heaven and the earth and the unity of his own yuan and Qi was shortened again.

Mu Yue's hand that was originally stopped in the air gently waved, as if at this moment, a cloud of condensed water mist, sliding along with Mu Yue's fingers, wrote a talisman.

And this talisman is obviously straight and even more imposing and mighty.

"Go!" Mu Yue turned her palm and patted Fu Lu towards the evil cultivator.

The evil cultivator man could also feel Mu Yue's talisman, carrying a mighty power between heaven and earth, but he still used his own dagger to block the evil spirits.

However, he was a little bit powerless to stop him this time. He only felt that this talisman was stronger than the dozens of talisman he had just added.

Ignoring for a while, the evil cultivator was beaten backwards by Mu Yue's talisman. Xiao Junyan's eyes flashed brightly. Seeing this opportunity, his figure flashed quickly, and the saber in his hand was attacking that evil cultivator. Away.

"Swiping" Xie Xiu didn't expect that he would be struck backwards by Mu Yue's talisman, and Xiao Junyan would suddenly attack him, and he was hit by Xiao Junyan without noticing it for a while.

Xiao Junyan's saber slashed across, and a blood stain was drawn on the wrist of the evil repair man's hand holding the Victory Dagger.

The blood was thrown into the air in an instant, and a little bit of blood traversed a beautiful arc in the air and fell to the ground, staining the stones on the ground red.

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