Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1993: Lianqi Huashen Peak 3

Mu Yue successfully used a dagger to scratch Xie Xiu's body and brush the wounds.

In just a few seconds, the blood from the scar that was cut by Mu Yue turned black, and this Xie Xiu's body also had a meal.

The moment of this meal was the best opportunity in the eyes of a master, Xiao Junyan and Ye Tianming had already subdued him on the ground.

Ye Tianming raised his hand to make a fist and punched the Xie Xiu's chest.

Xie Xiu, who fell to the ground, accepted Ye Tianming's punch abruptly, and a large mouthful of blood spouted out of his mouth, which was also mixed with some black dust.

After enduring Ye Tianming's punch, Xie Xiu's whole body twitched slightly on the ground, and could no longer get up, almost limp on the ground.

This was not only because of internal injuries from the blow, but also because of the poison on Mu Yue's dagger, which made him unable to move, and only felt that the strength in his body was slowly losing.

Mu Yue saw the look of this guy lying on the ground and didn't speak any more. Turning around and not looking at him, he ran to Xiao Junyan's face and raised his hand caringly, "Brother Xiao, let me help you see. Look at your arm!"

Xiao Junyan glanced at the evil repairer, "He..."

"It's okay, he has Ye Tianming watching, and he is poisoned by me, it is impossible to escape!" Mu Yue directly grabbed Xiao Junyan's arm, found a stone for him to sit down, and gave He checked the condition of his arm.

Xiao Junyan sat silently on the rock, allowing Mu Yue to check the condition of his arm for himself. The gentle movements, distressed eyes and appearance filled his eyes with gentle light.

Mu Yue looked at the blue-black area on her arm, feeling very painful, raised her head, and asked him gently, "Does it hurt?"

"Well, it hurts!" Xiao Junyan nodded.

Ye Tianming, who had originally had no intention of listening to Xiao Junyan and Mu Yue, heard this, staggering under his feet and almost fell to the ground.

It's not that he doesn't want to listen, but that at such a close distance, even if he doesn't listen, there is nothing he can do!

What did he hear?

He even heard his boss say "it hurts"?

"Damn? Really? It's fake? Is he dreaming?"

The boss had suffered injuries in the past, but it was more than a hundred times more than this. At that time, I didn't say a word of pain.

Now he pretends to be so weak in front of Mu Yue, saying it hurts, is he embarrassed?

Ye Tianming raised his hand to support his forehead, feeling a while in his heart, and sure enough, the boss is really going to fall.

And Mu Yue heard Xiao Junyan say that it hurts, her eyes slowly distressed, "Yi Ren, I will force the toxin out for you immediately. After I go back, I will prescribe you a few more medicines. You will be fine after taking it. !"

"Yeah!" Xiao Junyan nodded softly, "I believe you!"

Mu Yue lowered his head and carefully dug out the wound that had begun to rot for Xiao Junyan, Xiao Junyan let out a soft snort.

"I hurt you?" Mu Yue looked up at Xiao Junyan worriedly.

Xiao Junyan nodded again, his dark and deep eyes fell on Mu Yue's body, filled with deep love, "Well, it hurts!"

When Ye Tianming heard this word, he immediately sat on the ground feebly, lit the Xie Xiu's face with the saber in his hand, and murmured in his heart.

"Does it hurt like this? Does it really? Does it really hurt? Is it too exaggerated? Boss, where's your face? Where's your face?"

My goodness, boss, are you really my boss?

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