Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1996: Mutsumi Kairin City 2

Mu Yue handed over the matter here to Qiu Moge and the newly arrived company members, and left with Xiao Junyan and Ye Tianming.

The evil cultivator was taken back and didn't support it for a few hours. He couldn't support it anymore, and he died with a kick on his legs.

Since that Xie Xiu died, Mu Yue and the others had nothing else to do.

The three of them returned to Linshi, and Mu Haiye came to greet them in person.

"San Bo!" Seeing Mu Haiye, Mu Yue greeted him with a smile, and gave Mu Haiye a big hug.

Mu Haiye hugged Mu Yue tightly, checked it up and down, "Is nothing wrong?"

Mu Yue turned around on the spot and said with a smile, "No, look at me, it's all fine, what's the matter!"

"It's okay!" Mu Haiye nodded, and put Mu Yue in her arms, "Go, go home, your third aunt has already made dinner for you! It's all your favorite!" "

"Yeah!" Mu Yue showed a bright smile on his face, turning his head to look at Xiao Junyan and Ye Tianming, "You go too!"

Mu Haiye glanced at Xiao Junyan and Ye Tianming very uncomfortably, but his wife also said that if he wanted him to take them back, he had to leave it alone.

"Okay, we don't know what to eat anyway!" Ye Tianming said with a smile.

If someone from the Mu's family is there, then he will go there. It's not a light bulb, why not go?

Xiao Junyan and Ye Tianming followed Mu Yue and the others to Mu's family for dinner.

As soon as the third aunt saw that Xiao Junyan was also coming, she greeted her with a smile, "Xiao Xiao, you are here!"

Mu Yifeng glanced at Xiao Junyan unwillingly, "Why is this guy here again!"

Alas, what happened in the capital last time really made him remember, and the few brothers together were no better than this **** guy. They were really shocked. Is there anything wrong?

In this comparison, among the second-generation and rich second-generation officials in the capital, it seems that there are indeed no other people besides Xiao Junyan.

This is something he and his brothers have to admit.

However, it is really unwilling to let them give up their treasure in this way, and it is really unforgettable!

"Auntie San, we are back!" Mu Yue walked up with a smile, and gave a big hug to Auntie San.

"You girl, you know that you can't make money, you can't make money, you can do it slowly!" The third aunt reluctantly clicked on Mu Yue's nose and said.

Mu Yue touched her nose, a shy smile appeared on her face, "I just don't want to leave myself empty."

"Well, what you said is reasonable!" The third aunt shook her head helplessly, and said to Xiao Junyan, "Xiao Xiao, come here, sit down and eat!"

Ye Tianming said with a smile, "Oh, I can eat too, I must eat my full, but I have always been protected by the little junior sister. There is no credit and hard work, so I have to eat a good meal!"

When these words fell, Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan turned their heads and glanced at him.

"Hey, don't keep looking at me like this, I will be shy. At least I have protected the younger sister for a long time. I have been a bodyguard for a period of time. There is nothing wrong with making a meal for me as a salary!" Ye Tianming suddenly felt somewhat He blushed and touched his nose, revealing a jealous smile.

Mu Yue smiled and nodded, "Yes, I really should give you a delicious meal, this meal is considered to be your salary!"

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