Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2005: Big change in space 4

When Mu Yue was asked, his cheeks were hot and hot. She stared at Xiao Junyan in dissatisfaction, and asked him dissatisfiedly, "Is this kind of thing you can say casually?"

"You don't want to live with me?" Xiao Junyan still asked Mu Yue in a somewhat puzzled and sad tone.

He doesn't understand, what can't you ask? Isn't this normal?

For a senior with zero emotional intelligence, if the thoughts in his heart were known by Ye Tianming and Xiao Fengyi, they would definitely give him a big thud.

Really rotten wood can't be carved!

Mu Yue stomped her feet, her face was about to bleed, and the two of them had already been involved with the child before they even stroked their horoscopes.

"Senior Brother Xiao, you are not allowed to talk about children anymore!" Mu Yue stared at Xiao Junyan angrily, now a little bit ashamed into anger.

Xiao Junyan looked at Mu Yue's angry look, closed his mouth, and nodded, "Okay, don't tell me!"

Mu Yue bit her lip, and she really cursed this dumb fellow in her heart.

"Hmph, I won't tell you anymore. I'm going to work on the company's business first. You can work slowly here!" Mu Yue stood up and left with his hand.

Xiao Junyan frowned and looked at Mu Yue's back, but he was a little confused and puzzled. What was she mad at?

"Yue!" Xiao Junyan stood up quickly and grabbed Mu Yue's wrist, "Are you angry?"

Mu Yue said to Xiao Junyan angrily, "Yes, I'm angry, you can think about what went wrong!"

Xiao Junyan looked at Mu Yue's back in shame and angrily leaving, with a dazed expression on his face, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and dialed his sister's number.

Needles in the seabed of a woman's heart, this kind of question, it's better to ask a woman, right?

At the same time, Xiao Fengyi, who was playing chess with her grandfather in the hall, rang. When she saw Xiao Junyan calling, he was a little confused and surprised. Why did this kid call?

"Who called?" Old man Xiao raised his head, his old face was a bit of playfulness and curiosity, "Could it be a boy who called? I used to worry that Jun Yan would not be able to find a girlfriend. Now, I see The person to worry about is not your younger brother, but your sister, who hasn’t had a boyfriend yet!"

Xiao Fengyi blushed and retorted, "That's different. Moreover, this call is from your precious grandson. It's really strange today. Why would he call me?"

Then he answered the phone, "Hey, why did your kid call me today?"

Xiao Junyan was silent for a moment, and said, "Yue is mad at me!"

"What do you mean? What is mad at you?" Xiao Fengyi was still puzzled for a while, and asked in a puzzled way.

When Grandpa Xiao heard this, he looked up at Xiao Fengyi curiously. What happened?

"Yue just got angry with me!" Xiao Junyan repeated the words again, if it weren't for Mu Yue, maybe he wouldn't want to say a word twice.

As soon as Xiao Fengyi heard what Xiao Junyan said, she immediately became anxious and screamed, "Mu Yue is angry with you? What did you do? You stinky boy, what silly things did you do? Isn't it?"

"I didn't!" Xiao Junyan frowned, a little puzzled, wondering why women were so surprised!

"Then what have you done, why are your younger siblings angry with you? I believe in your younger siblings' character. If you didn't do something wrong, how could she be angry with you?" Xiao Fengyi snorted coldly, a lesson of dissatisfaction. Tao.

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