Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2008: Duan Tianyu deliberately find fault 3

Gao Wenlong had been waiting for Qi Rui's arrival. He said he would come, but he didn't expect that Qi Rui was stopped by Duan Tianyu and would not let him come at all.

Waiting left and right, Gao Wenlong didn't make a decision for a while, and the investigation team came to his company.

"Are you Gao Wenlong?" a man asked Gao Wenlong who was sitting in an office chair.

Gao Wenlong nodded and looked at these people who came in dissatisfiedly, "I am, who are you?"

"Hello, we are the police!" The man directly revealed his identity and explained to Gao Wenlong.

As soon as Gao Wenlong heard the identity of the people coming, his eyes went straight, and then he was guilty. He never expected that they came so quickly! Besides, how come the police are here?

"What are you looking for me?" Although Gao Wenlong was a little nervous and guilty, he still asked calmly.

"We have received a report that your company manufactures counterfeit drugs, and your company's products have caused a certain amount of physical harm to consumers!"

"Bump!" When Gao Wenlong heard this, he immediately punched the table in front of him with anger, staring, "Nonsense! How did I make a fake medicine!"

"Whether this matter is true or not, you need to go with us. If it is false, we will naturally return you innocence. Or ask Mr. Gao to come with us!" The man faced himself directly. The people behind waved and took him away.

Gao Wenlong almost doubted whether his ears had misheard, they actually wanted to take them away?

"What are you going to do?" Gao Wenlong looked at the person who walked to his side and cuffed his hands.

"Please come with us!" The headed man still looks official.

Gao Wenlong hasn't waited for Qi Rui yet, how can he just go with them like this?

"You can't catch me, do you know who I am? Do you know who my uncle is? Let go of me!" Gao Wenlong angrily pushed those who handcuffed him away, but several people joined forces. , But pressed him to death and handcuffed his hands.

Everyone in the company wanted to stop it, but in the face of such a situation, they didn't dare to step forward! .

They are not stupid. In this forest city, no one does not know the identity of Gao Wenlong and the relationship with Qi Changdong.

Now someone dares to trouble him, and that is, the people standing behind him can't protect him.

Therefore, the first thought in their minds at this moment was not to save Gao Wenlong, but to think that they would go to find a job immediately, so that after the company went bankrupt, they would not find a job for a while and the money would be gone.

"Regardless of who you are, no matter who the person standing behind you is, you must come with us today!" The headed man sneered, and there was a sneer in his heart. Now I don't know if the people behind you can turn over. !

Before coming, he received an order from the two bosses not to worry about Qi Changdong and arrest people. The evidence is solid. Don't worry, they will carry on with them.

With their words, the man headed by him is of course arrogant, so he is not afraid of Gao Wenlong's arrogance.

Gao Wenlong was completely outraged, and he didn't expect that these people would not give Qi Changdong face so much.

"You...Okay, very good, I remember you, I won't let you go!" Gao Wenlong was so angry that he could only let go of his words viciously.

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