Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2015: Mu Yue's divorce 2

As Mu Yue and the others expected, Qi Changdong found his own people and came to Gao Wenlong's interrogation room.

Seeing that only Gao Wenlong was sitting behind the interrogation table at this time, the application seemed very nervous and tangled.

Even when he came, Gao Wenlong didn't notice. He kept his head down, his body was trembling slightly, and his mouth was still muttering, but he didn't know what he was talking about.

"Gao Wenlong!" The young man patted Gao Wenlong on the shoulder, regaining his senses.

Gao Wenlong looked up and looked at the strange young man in police uniform who suddenly appeared, because Ye Tianming still had the words in his mind, causing him to stammer at this time, "Who...who are you?"

"You don’t need to know who I am. You just need to know that the counterfeit medicine must be borne by yourself. As long as you bear it, Senior Official Qi can still save your life. Get you out of the prison!" The young man didn't say much else, he couldn't directly explain his purpose.

Gao Wenlong heard this strange young man's words, he was shocked in his heart, his eyes were staring, and his mouth opened, but he couldn't make a sound.

Sure enough, the policeman was right, Qi Changdong was going to abandon him and protect his own son.

Thinking that he was abandoned in this way, Gao Wenlong said he was not reconciled, and that he did not hate Qi Changdong.

He didn't expect that this was true. Qi Changdong said that he would lose it. Did he forget that all the money of their Qi family had been earned by their high family for so many years?

At this time, Gao Wenlong only thought that the Qi family's money was earned by their Gao family, but never thought that if they did not support Qi Changdong behind them, they would not be able to start the company and make so much money.

In short, everyone is mutually beneficial.

The young policeman was very displeased when he saw Gao Wenlong’s stupid appearance. He reminded him, “You’d better think clearly whether or not you want to confess Qi Shao. You and Qi Shao did this. The senior official Qi Shao didn’t have anything. If you confess Qi Shao, then you will die, you will die, the senior official Qi will let you die, but if you don’t confess Qi Shao, senior official Qi will deal with you and let you survive , You may also change your status, go abroad, and live your happy life, no one will know, you think carefully!"

Gao Wenlong looked up and looked at the young policeman.

The young policeman said again, "General Manager Gao, you should know that there is nothing wrong with this matter for senior officials. As long as you follow what Senior Official Qi said, then you can still enjoy glory and wealth in the next half of your life, don't you? "

Gao Wenlong lowered his head slightly, the panic on his face disappeared, and some were entangled, but he soon made a decision and nodded, "Okay, I know, I will take it!"

Hearing Gao Wenlong's answer, the young policeman was also relieved, and finally persuaded him, so he could go back to his life.

"That's good, I'll go now!" The young policeman happily left the interrogation room and went to report.

However, what he didn't know was that at this time, there was a pair of eyes staring at the picture in the interrogation room, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Hey, I'm finally waiting for you! If I don't come, I'm going to find you!"

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