Xiao Junyan and Mu Yue went out on a date, and the eldest mother came to a teahouse box.

At this time, there was already a pair of mother and daughter sitting in the box. Seeing the arrival of the eldest mother and the others, smiles appeared on their faces, "You are here! How is it? Did it succeed?"

"Don't worry, of course it succeeded!" The aunt laughed and sat on the opposite side.

The second aunt also nodded and said complimentingly, "Little Xiao, this child, yes, we really like him too, let him be our niece!"

"Hey, my son has been very withdrawn and indifferent since he was a child. I was worried that you would be afraid that she would bully Mu Yue and keep them from staying together. Now that you can help them in this way, I am very grateful to you!"

The woman in front of her was Xiao Junyan's mother, Tang Yalan.

Although the eldest mother and the others left, they didn't go shopping either. Instead, they came to this teahouse to meet Tang Yalan.

"Although Xiao Xiao speaks less, I can see that he is really good to Xiao Yue, and he can cook, know how to find us Xiao Yue, we are also very happy!" The third aunt smiled and comforted. With Tang Yalan.

Tang Yalan had also heard about her son getting along with Mu Yue.

She, a mother, has never eaten the food made by her son, but Mu Yue has always eaten it!

"Yes, it's just that Xiaoyue'er in our family is still young. If anything irritates you in the future, I hope you can forgive me a lot!" The big aunt sighed and said to Tang Yalan worriedly.

Tang Yalan also expressed his attitude. At this time, he had to speak nicely to his son, not to let the Mu family dislike Xiao Junyan, "No, I like this daughter-in-law very much, and I am very satisfied!"

Mu Yue is not only the daughter-in-law arranged by his husband, but also his son's favorite, but also for her. Recently, her personality has changed a lot. She knows how to accompany her and can talk more with her.

This made her future mother-in-law very satisfied with Xiao Junyan's changes, all because of Mu Yue, and she also hoped that Mu Yue could make her son more humane.

In the past, Xiao Junyan was withdrawn due to self-blame, and eventually developed into apathy. He was also very alienated from dealing with others and her mother, and he seemed to be a traveler.

This made her a mother hurt and blame herself, so she should stay with him more.

After receiving Tang Yalan’s reply, the aunts were also relieved, "Satisfaction is good!"

"Yes, yeah!" Xiao Fengyi quickly said to the side to help, "Auntie, our family likes Mu Yue very much, and the old man also likes Mu Yue very much. I wish that Mu Yue would marry our Xiao family right away!"

"Well... wait until Xiao Yue'er graduates from university. After all, the big men in our family are not happy that Xiao Yue'er gets married!" The aunt frowned and said.

The second aunt also nodded and suggested, "Yes, let them talk about their relationship for a while!"

"Yes, Mu Yue's age is a little younger!" Tang Yalan nodded, a little regretful.

Several aunts and Tang Yalan were chatting in the teahouse, talking about Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan.

The one who said the most was naturally the third aunt. He had been taking care of Mu Yue in Linshi and knew a lot of things that had happened to them.

Listening to how Xiao Junyan treated Mu Yue and how to take care of him made everyone curious.

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