Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2028: Little sister-in-law 1

Xia Zifan brought Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan into the room, and looked at the dressing of this simple home hut, Mu Yue felt a little relieved.

Perhaps, only by leaving home often and longing for the warmth of home, would he dress up a room with such care.

Although this room is not like that kind of hotel or resort, it has a hurried taste, but it also gives people a very homely feeling.

Mu Yue turned his head and looked at Xia Zifan, "Unexpectedly, Brother Xia, you are quite smart about decoration!"

Xia Zifan touched her head in embarrassment, and said, "No, I just thought about the arrangement. I was afraid of the boss. No, I was afraid that the sister-in-law would not like it. If you don't like it, you can tell us. , We can change it right away!"

They didn't know that Xiao Junyan brought a woman back, and they just simply dressed up in this room.

Now that the hostess is here, they are really worried that this hostess will be difficult to serve, and they don't like their dress.

But Mu Yue shook his head and said with satisfaction, "No, I think it's good and feels like a family. You have a lot more brains than Senior Brother Xiao. If it were him, I guess he would just buy a ready-made house. You can live now!"

Xia Zifan gave Mu Yue a thumbs up, and it was true that the little sister-in-law knew the boss.

The boss is one. It doesn’t matter where you move to, as long as you can rest, whether the place is good or not, and how the decoration is.

"The little sister-in-law, are you satisfied?" Xia Zifan asked Mu Yue worriedly.

"I am very satisfied. I feel that living here has a sense of home. It makes me feel that you say Brother Xiao is family!" Mu Yue smiled and looked at Xiao Junyan gently.

Xia Zifan gave Mu Yue a thumbs up again. Although they were not brothers, after the battle, they were definitely brothers who were closer than their own brothers. They were all in the same family.

Therefore, they arranged this room like home, although it is simple, but it is full.

Mu Yue smiled and nodded slightly to Xia Zifan, and said gratefully, "If it were me, I might not be able to arrange such a good room. On behalf of Brother Xiao, thank you! Thank you for being with Xiao for so many years. Brother!"

"Little sister-in-law, don't be like this. This is what we should be. Moreover, the boss has always taken care of us, and the boss saved us from danger. We should do this, too!" Xia Zifan waved his hand quickly and said modestly.

Xiao Junyan glanced at Xia Zifan and reminded him, "Okay, don't say more, go down and prepare some food!"

"Oh, good!" Xia Zifan reacted quickly and nodded.

But Mu Yue called Xia Zifan, "No, you go prepare some dishes, let's make them, let everyone **** craft!"

"Little sister-in-law, cook it for us?" Xia Zifan was surprised and a little embarrassed when she heard it, "Isn't this bad!"

"It's nothing to be embarrassed. You have prepared such a good room for us. We have to give you something back. Brother Xiao and I can't give you a meal. I just don't know how many people you have here, enough?" Mu Yue asked caringly again.

After hearing this, Xia Zifan quickly explained, "In fact, we don't have many people, there are only 20 or 30 people, and we can sit at two or three tables!"

"Where are the others?" Xiao Junyan asked, turning his head to look at Xia Zifan.

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