Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2039: Call me to listen to 4

Xiao Junyan was silent for a moment, staring directly at Mu Yutao and their eyes, and only uttered two words, "Will scream!"

"Really? Then let's wait and see!" Mu Yutao swayed his body, chatting humbly.

Mu Yue looked helplessly at Mu Yutao and the others, and stretched out his other hand to hold Xiao Junyan's big hand, "Senior Brother Xiao, ignore them!"

Xiao Junyan looked down at Mu Yue with a firm tone, "They will scream!"

Listening to the four words, Mu Yue was a little bit dumbfounded. Sometimes, Xiao Junyan's character was particularly stubborn, but it also made her helpless.

"Well, you guys don't stand stupidly here anymore, go to the kitchen to help one by one!" The eldest aunt quickly aroused Mu Yutao and the others.

When Mu Yutao heard this, he suddenly cried out depressed, "Why do you want us to help! He is the one who wants to help!"

"That's right, don't you think we will only help you?" Mu Wenhao also nodded in agreement.

The elder aunt laughed, and it is estimated that he would poke wounds on the bodies of these boys, "I want you to study hard, and I just asked you if you can be a little bit prosperous, like Xiao Xiao, surpass him, that’s one thing. Aspect! Now, learn it right away!"

Sure enough, the Mu family brothers all had their faces full of sorrow. Is this still their real mother?

The second aunt grabbed Mu Wenhao's ear and walked towards the kitchen, "This is the price of being called Brother, walk around!"

Mu Wenhao hurriedly begged for mercy, and followed his second aunt toward the kitchen, "Eh eh, it hurts, mom, don't pinch my ears! I'm so big, I'm going to lose my face!"

Seeing Mu Wenhao's embarrassed appearance, Mu Yue snickered with his cigarette holder, and felt amused for a while.

Mu Ziheng looked at his elder brothers, and he was proud of him, hehe, his choice was so good, he didn't fight with his mother and the others.

"Hey, brother-in-law! Look, can you tell me, your troops, I can admire you!" Mu Ziheng asked Xiao Junyan directly.

Mu Yue raised his hand and slapped Mu Ziheng on the back of his head, "Can you tell an outsider about this unit casually? Isn't this leaking secrets?"

"How can this be called leaking secrets? I just wanted to ask, brother-in-law, how your troops are trained, you have always been the most elite and powerful troops in our country, even those foreign troops are frightened by the news!" Mu Zi Heng said with a smile of hippie admiration.

Xiao Junyan looked at Mu Ziheng and said, "Experience for yourself, better!"

"Experience it yourself? Me?" Mu Ziheng asked curiously, pointing to his nose.

Xiao Junyan nodded, looked at Mu Ziheng up and down, and reminded him, "You can't hold it, so forget it!"

Hearing this, Mu Yue couldn't help but laugh out loud, holding her belly and smiling, she couldn't stop, "Hahaha..."

Even the old man on the side laughed and nodded in agreement, "Indeed, this kid can't pass a level!"

Mu Zihengmu's words and Mu Yue's laughter were like a slap, hitting his face fiercely.

How could he not give him face so much? Is he so persuaded? Is it so weak?

"What's so funny? Where can I go?" Mu Ziheng complained aggrievedly.

Elder Mu smiled and said, "I think you kid, forget it, do what you should do now! Don't embarrass our Mu family!"

Mu Ziheng could only squat around the corner and draw circles.

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