Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2056: Arrangements before returning to Beijing 2

With Mu Yuqing in Jianghuai Province, both the province and the city can develop properly.

Although Mu Yuqing is only a small mayor, he has a profound background, and even the top leader does not dare to confront him. Therefore, the development of Longteng Group in Jianghuai Province is very smooth and fast.

The sales volume of Tianzi Drugstore in Jianghuai Province is also rising steadily, and new and old customers continue to increase.

Mu Yue checked the sales of many specialty stores, and they were all good. There were at least a few people shopping in them. In some shopping malls, there were more people, and there was a long queue for payment.

After checking the work in Jianghuai Province, Mu Yue went to Sichuan Province again.

There are the first batch of Chinese medicinal planting bases built by Mu Yue, and here is Mu Yue's experimental Chinese medicinal planting base.

Now the seedlings of Chinese medicinal materials have been sent to the planting base, and they have begun to be planted in the greenhouses that have been built.

Mu Haiye sighed as he drove on the bumpy and uneven roads of Sichuan Province, "This road is too difficult to walk, and it will be difficult to transport goods in the future!"

"I know, so, the road leading to the mountain village, I have already begun to build, but some places are not popular, and need to be temporarily overcome!" Mu Yue is also a little helpless, this kind of mountain road is far better than the plain. The road is more difficult to build.

If you hold up the mountainside, you have to dig, which is a little troublesome, and it is not so easy to pave the way.

For the sake of safety, everything is done in accordance with normal engineering, and the speed should not be fast, as long as it is stable and safe.

Moreover, the Chinese medicinal material planting base has only begun to load now, and some medicinal materials may not be able to be planted quickly. Moreover, for large-scale planting, it is necessary to go through continuous experiments and observations to find a suitable method for medicinal material cultivation.

Only after this year or two can they be planted in large quantities.

Therefore, the buffer for this period of time can be regarded as just a period of relaxation for road construction.

There may be Chinese medicinal materials that can be planted now, but there are not many. Small delivery trucks can be used in several batches, without too much cost.

When you send it out of the mountainous area, you will find a large truck for loading at that time. It is very convenient for one-time transportation.

Looking at the road while driving, Mu Haiye was nervous, and when the destination was approaching the evening.

Mu Yue and Mu Haiye got out of the car and looked at a yellow dirt road built near the surrounding mountain villages, which was already very spacious.

This road leads directly to the original mountain village and divides the village into two parts more comfortably.

There is a small piece on the other side of the road that Mu Yue left behind specially for the construction of accommodation houses.

The large area on the other side is a real Chinese medicinal planting base, as well as office experiments.

It's just that the current situation is that the time is still relatively short, and various arrangements are gradually arriving, and the villagers still live in their former homes.

Qiu Moge, who had been here half of the time, received the news that Mu Yue had come and quickly came out of the house of the former village chief Zhu Shi.

Zhu Shi's house was bought by Mu Yue and the others, and it was slightly modified to become the office and residence of Qiu Moge and other staff.

They will all have to stay here for a period of time before the accommodation and office building is completed.

"Mu Dong, you can count as coming!" When Qiu Moge saw Mu Yue's arrival, his face was full of expectant smiles.

Mu Yue smiled and said soothingly, "I've really troubled you during this period of time, I've been watching here!"

"It is my pleasure!"

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