Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2087: Prophecy of Xuanyimen 3

"Lao Bai? Yes, I knew it from Lao Bai's mouth!" Chen Yukun also patted his thigh and said.

Chen Yukun asked Mu Yue in surprise, "Why, Miss Mu, is your master still alive now?"

He has heard that Dongfang Sheng is not young anymore! Why are you still alive?

Mu Yue nodded lightly, and said with a smile, "Yes, my master is still alive, but after I left, my master went all over the world!"

"Senior Dongfang is really tough!" Hearing Mu Yue's explanation, everyone couldn't help feeling and wondering in their hearts.

"Yes! Master, his body is still very tough, even me, I still can't keep up with his speed!" Mu Yue said with a smile.

An old man in Haiyun Pavilion, Zheng Hua, asked Mu Yue curiously, "I heard Lao Bai say that you have a sect, but, at that time, I just mentioned it, and didn’t make it clear what kind of sect you are. ?"

Mu Yue thought for a while, since they all know their master, it doesn’t matter if they say something, and this is not a secret that can’t be said. The head of the mysterious doctor!"

"Xuanyimen!" Listening to these three words, Professor Cao Hongwei of the Department of Archaeology of Beijing University, who was listening to them chatting, took a breath, "Are you a descendant of Xuanyimen?"

Mu Yue turned to look at Professor Cao and nodded, "Yes, Professor Cao, do you know our mysterious doctor?"

"Of course I know that I have also studied some sects handed down from ancient times. I heard that the inheritance of Xuanyi School is not only traditional Chinese medicine, but also Qimen gossip and metaphysics. Is it true?" Cao Hongwei excitedly looked at Mu. Yue asked.

Mu Yue nodded, "Professor Cao, what you said is correct. The inheritance of our metaphysical school is not only traditional Chinese medicine, but also strange gossip and metaphysics!"

Chen Yukun asked Professor Cao curiously, "Why, old Cao, do you know this mysterious doctor?"

"It turns out to be true, but I heard that the history of this metaphysical school is very long, and many celebrities in history belong to this school!" Professor Cao's whole body was trembling, and said excitedly.

"Yes, our metaphysic school inherited from Guiguzi, from the Three Kingdoms Cao Wei Wangbi to the development of metaphysics, Sun Simiao and Yuan Tiangang masters and apprentices merged metaphysics and medicine to create a real metaphysical school, inheriting the five skills mountain, medicine, fate, physiognomy and divination. Mu Yue smiled and introduced her teacher to everyone.

She didn't expect that in a technological society like the modern one, there are still people who know her teacher.

"Guiguzi, Sun Simiao! Yuan Tiangang!" Listening to these familiar names, everyone couldn't help but breathe a breath of air in the audience.

Even Gu An, who was listening, couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"Madan, Guiguzi, Yuan Tiangang, they are all gods!" Gu An muttered.

Although he is a bit ignorant, but he still knows some celebrities in history.

Even if you can't learn it in school, you can always see TV dramas or movies that almost give them myths when you watch TV.

Therefore, deliberately, even if you don't want to know them, it's difficult.

Gu An swallowed a sip of water, and again secretly rejoiced in his heart that he had never offended Mu Yue before, otherwise, he would not know how he died.

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