Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2099: Depressed Wei Xiaolin 2

Mu Yue raised his eyebrows and looked at Wei Xiaolin. Seeing his appearance, he knew that he must have investigated his identity.

"Do you know who I am?" Mu Yue asked Wei Xiaolin playfully.

Wei Xiaolin quickly apologized, "Yes, Miss Mu, I'm really sorry about what happened last time. I don't know it was you. If you do anything that makes you upset, please forgive me!"

If possible, Wei Xiaolin really didn't want to meet Mu Yue.

However, now that he meets, he can only apologize for what he did last time, hoping that Mu Yue can forgive him.

Otherwise, if the family knew that he had offended Mu Yue, it is estimated that he would have to be severely taught by his family.

Gu An looked at Wei Xiaolin's look so fearful, a smirking smile appeared on his face, and a burst of pride in his heart.

He did not expect that Mu Yue gave him such a great deterrent.

Mu Yue put his arms around his chest, lit Wei Xiaolin's chin, with a playful smile on her face, raised her eyebrows and looked at the group of people behind Wei Xiaolin, "Apologize? Are you here to apologize? Not to trouble me. of?"

Hearing Mu Yue's words, Wei Xiaolin turned to look at the person behind him, and a thin layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

At this moment, Wei Xiaolin still remembered what He Li said before, only angry, "Idiot, is this a place you can come to? Get out!"

When He Li heard Wei Xiaolin's words, the expression on his face was a little unbelievable, and his eyes stared, "Wei Shao, what are you talking about!"

Wei Xiaolin looked at He Li who was talking, and his heart suddenly became even more angry. It was this **** who made him feel tired.

"He Li, let me tell you, this person is not something you can provoke! Apologize immediately!" Wei Xiaolin angrily ordered He Li.

He Li was shocked. Although he was very angry now, he still knew Wei Xiaolin's identity very well.

To be able to make Wei Xiaolin so fearful and make him apologize, then Mu Yue's identity is definitely not simple.

Thinking of Mu Yue's identity, He Li was very angry, but he did not dare to refute it.

Mu Yue smiled and supported her chin with one hand, looking at the scene in front of her, "Wei Shao, do you think that a simple apology can be fine? Some people want to blaspheme and insult me, but I’m not that way. Forgive him in a great mood!"

"That's it, is it all right with an apology?" Gu An was also gloating at the misfortune, and threatened Wei Xiaolin arrogantly.

He Li's mouth twitched fiercely, and the look on his face was very ugly, staring at Mu Yue.

He already wanted to take a step back and apologize, but he didn't expect that this **** was unwilling to accept his apology.

Wei Xiaolin quickly lost a smile, and asked Mu Yue, "Miss Mu, then...what can you do to relieve your anger?"

If he could, he only hoped that Mu Yue could calm down, and he could pay any price.

"Well, what happened just now caused a certain amount of damage to my spirit, and I was also frightened a lot!" Mu Yue lowered his head and looked at his fingers, speaking in a very flat tone.

"Scare?" After hearing the words Mu Yue said, Gu An and Wei Xiaolin both spit in their hearts. It is not you who are frightened, but how are they?

Including He Li, he was also swearing in his heart, this **** was frightened? Even his bodyguard was crippled by her, and she said he was frightened!

He definitely doesn't believe it!

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