After waiting for the surveillance video to be sent out, it was the sensation caused by the fermentation again this time.

When the audience saw the news in front of the TV, they suddenly scolded.

"Madan, good fight!"

"If I'm Lao Tzu, I have to beat him to the floor!"

"What's wrong with foreigners? What's wrong with foreign businessmen? Don't you think of our people in China as human beings?"

"Since we are here in China to make money, we should stay on the safe side and make trouble there. Not only do we flirt with the girls of our country, but also use unreasonable charges to frame our country's people. It is simply damnable!"

As long as you watched the surveillance room and the lip language experts translated what He Li said through the video, everyone was blown up.

The person who had a bad impression of Mu Yue, instantly stood on Mu Yue's side, helping Mu Yue to curse He Li.

Especially those girls, raised their hands and feet in agreement, they girls are not allowed to play with them and men.

Of course, except for those women who climbed the dragon and attached the phoenix, in their hearts, Tucao Mu Yue was too hypocritical, and such good opportunities were wasted.

However, they have forgotten that Mu Yue not only has money, but also has power. Is it necessary to sell his body to do that kind of thing?

When the Hua family and the Gan family saw such news, it was their turn to look ugly, as if they had eaten flies, and couldn't swallow it.

If Mu Yue and the people of Mu's family saw it here, they would definitely give out a burst of refreshing laughter.

Before, they even gloated at their Mu's family, and even added fire to this matter.

But now?

The current situation is that Mu Yue counterattacked, and the counterattack was so sharp, so caught off guard, that they didn't react, and they couldn't take the move.

"This wild species, unexpectedly, he still has this evidence in his hand!" Hua Fengjun cursed. If Mu Yue was here, she would definitely eat her alive.

As long as Mu Yue is well, she will not be well, and she will feel uncomfortable all over.

After all, among the entire Hua family and Gan family, Hua Fengjun hated Mu Yue the most and hated her death the most.

Unfortunately, she was unable to kill that bitch.

It's rare to see Mu Yue being troubled. She wants to watch a good show, but now this is happening. How can she not make her angry?

"Useless waste, even this thing can't be handled well, idiot, don't you know that you will ruin this monitoring before then?" Hua Fengjun said in a breezy mouth and cursed He Li and the others.

However, the facts can no longer be changed.

The day after the surveillance video was released, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs once again held a diplomatic press conference.

This time, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs made the final decision on this incident.

"Although people in our country have also beaten this gentleman, they are also at fault, but, I think, I think everyone should compare their hearts to their hearts, and they should feel that what the girl in the picture does is only self-defense, and it is also our country to go to court. The girl wins the case!"

"Furthermore, we did research on the video, and even raised questions about the gentleman. The girl beat him. Experts believe that even if he beat him, it would not be able to produce some parts of the injury appraisal he took out. For the injured, we hope that gentleman can give a reasonable explanation!"

"We hope that South Korea and Mr. He Li will give us an answer, and our country also hopes that you will pay attention to the insults and slander the image of our country in the world, and give our country and all the people of our country an account! "

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