Both the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Huaxia State and the Longteng Group of Mu Yue held a press conference at the same time, and they all attacked He Li and South Korea and asked them to give an answer.

Mu Haihua returned to Mu's house in the evening, with a bright smile on his face, rubbed his face, "It's so cool, I don't need acting anymore!"

Mu Yue looked at Mu Haihua and smiled, "How fun is this acting, how happy they were before, but now they are so depressed and aggrieved!"

"That is, at the meeting, I saw that many people's faces were unsightly, especially those from the Gan family and the Hua family!" Mu Haihua's words were filled with excitement and joy. "They The look in my eyes seems to eat me, alas, it's horrible, Xiao Yueer, you have to comfort my soul!"

Hearing this, Mu Yue couldn't help but twitched the corner of her mouth. How could she comfort him? "Second Uncle, how can I comfort you?"

Mu Haihua smashed his mouth and said greedyly, "For your sake, you have all eaten after the meeting. I haven't had a meal, so you can make me a delicious meal for my second uncle! "

"Puff!" Mu Yue couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, "Just one meal is all right? Well, yes! There are still some dishes in the kitchen, I will cook some for you!"

"How do you feel, I seem to be at a loss? I just ate a meal, and I have already eaten, and my belly is full!" Mu Haihua heard it, and said in regret, "No way, forget it today, tomorrow , Make me a good meal tomorrow, if it’s wrong, make three meals, I want three meals!"

"Okay, then I'll make a good meal for you tomorrow!" Mu Yue laughed, and did not go to the kitchen again, comforting Mu Haiye.

Hearing what Mu Haihua said, Mr. Mu gave a dissatisfied look, and said, "Brilliant! What a man!"

However, Mu Haihua didn’t care about Father Mu’s lesson. He leaned on the sofa with a smile, and said naturally, “Dad, seeing what you say, why can’t I let Xiaoyue'er cook me a few dinners? Now, you eat every day. Unlike me, you have to find so many excuses if you want to eat!"

Elder Mu hummed triumphantly, "If you want to eat every day, you can, you can also give birth to a baby like Mu Yue, so you can eat it!"

This makes sense, the black lines on Mu Haihua's forehead are densely covered. If he wants to give birth, he has given birth long ago. How could it be possible that he hasn't given birth yet? There is really nothing he can do!

The old man is definitely revealing his scars.

Mu Yue looked at Mu Haihua's depressed appearance, and smiled unkindly, "Second Uncle, tell me, how are you going to come up with this matter?"

Hearing Mu Yue’s words, Mu Haihua said with a smile, “Of course he has to stand firm on our side. He has sent people to arrest He Li for interrogation and asked South Korea to give us an explanation and ask them to compensate for the economic losses. Put South Korea's He consortium as a blacklist and prohibit their group companies from investing in our country!"

"Okay!" Mu Yue couldn't help but yelled hello when he heard this arrangement.

This time, it is finally tough, but it is estimated that this person is her. If it is an ordinary person, it is estimated that it will only compensate for the loss, and the He consortium will not be blacklisted!

However, this result has already made Mu Yue very satisfied, which is what she wants.

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