These police officers pressed Wei Xiaolin to the ground and made him suffer for a while, shouting angrily, "Let go of me, ahhhh... let me go!"

Wei's mother was shocked by the sudden scene, she screamed, and hurriedly ran forward, "What are you doing? Hurry up and let my son go!"

Hearing her mother's voice, Wei Xiaolin hurriedly asked for help from Wei's mother, "Mom, save me, you must not let them take me away! Mom..."

The son's cry for help made Wei's mother even more distressed and anxious. This is the meat that fell from his stomach when he was pregnant in October. How can he see him like this?

"What are you doing! Why are you arresting my son? Hurry up and let him go!" Wei mother angrily ordered the policemen, but the movement in her hands didn't work, she was going to pull the policemen away.

But these policemen didn't give Wei mother any face at all, they still pressed Wei Xiaolin firmly.

The middle-aged man who had just spoken to Wei's mother came up and said to Wei's mother, "Mrs. Wei, I'm very sorry, we were ordered to arrest your son Wei Xiaolin!"

"Why are you arresting my son? Why are you arresting my son!" Wei Mu suddenly yelled at the middle-aged policeman angrily.

"The biggest thing that has happened recently, I think Mrs. Wei should know it! We received a report that he and He Li had framed Miss Mu, the chairman of Longteng Group, which even damaged the reputation of our country!" The young man said to Wei's mother coldly.

When Wei's mother heard what the middle-aged policeman said, her eyes widened in surprise. She never expected that her son would dare to do such a thing.

Now, she seems to understand why her son has been staying at home since the incident that day, and there is no reason to go out.

It turned out that his own son was also involved in this big event.

Because of Wei's stunned mother, the middle-aged policeman took the opportunity to wave to the policeman he had brought with him, "take it away!"

The police easily picked up Wei Xiaolin on the ground, gave him a push, "Go!"

Their attitude towards Wei Xiaolin is worse than their attitude towards He Li.

Who made Wei Xiaolin a Chinese national?

This hateful guy, who is still a second-generation official, should do such a thing of eating inside and out, it is simply too hateful.

Wei Xiaolin yelled in resistance for a while, and even asked for help from his mother, "I won't go, let me go, mom, you save me, I am still being wronged, this matter has nothing to do with me! Mom! You save me!"

Mother Wei also came back to her senses when she heard her son's cry. Although she heard the middle-aged policeman say that her son did it, he still didn't believe it and wanted to stop him, "You can't catch my son, I His son is so well-behaved, he would never do such a thing!"

The middle-aged police stopped Wei's mother and said in business, "Mrs. Wei, if this matter is really related to him, we will investigate it clearly. If he is proved to be innocent, we will send him back and apologize! "

"I don't care, you can't arrest my son!" Wei's mother yelled at the middle-aged policeman unreasonably.

However, it is still impossible to prevent his son from being taken away by the police.

Seeing her son being taken away, Wei's mother hurriedly went back to her home to call and find Wei's father. Now only he can save their son.

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