Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2136: The first batch of fruit wine out of the jar 1

Before Xiao Junyan took Mu Yue away, he was severely taught by Mu Haixuan, and then he asked them to leave after a lot of words.

If it hadn't been for Mr. Mu to speak, it would have been verbose.

This made the guards who usually admire Mu Haixuan's resolute behavior only feel that the sky is rolling.

Their idol adults have a faint tendency to develop in the direction of aunts.

Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan finally left Mu's house and went to the farm.

Xia Zifan, who received the news yesterday, had already been waiting for them.

Seeing Xiao Junyan's car coming to the parking lot of the farm, he greeted him with a smile, "Boss, sister-in-law! You are here!"

Mu Yue greeted Xia Zifan and said with a smile, "Today we came here to see how your wine is made!"

"Just waiting for sister-in-law, you come to us to check the results. We don't know how the brewing is! Therefore, only a few tanks are brewed. As long as the sister-in-law thinks it is okay, we will look at the brewing!" Xia Zi Fan said to Mu Yue with a smile.

Mu Yue nodded, "Well, okay, let's try your brew first. I will also try to see how the fruit wine tastes. If it tastes up to the standard, I will send it to my medicinal restaurant first. As a special fruit wine for our medicated restaurant!"

"Okay, with the words of my sister-in-law, I believe that there is no need to worry about this fruit wine being sold!" Xia Zifan said to Mu Yue with confidence.

After the last meeting, Xia Zifan and other retired special forces conducted another investigation on Mu Yue.

After investigating, I have a deeper understanding of Mu Yue's abilities, and I am even more admired. I believe that as long as Mu Yue is there, everything on their farm can be sold.

"Well, my medicated food restaurant will open in mid-August. At that time, you will send all the vegetables you grow to the medicated food restaurant! I will give you the phone number of the general manager of my medicated restaurant. I have talked to him about this vegetable. Having said that, when the time comes, you just have to discuss it with him!" Mu Yue said with a smile.

For the retired brothers like Xiao Junyan, Mu Yue also needs to pay attention. The vegetables here seem to be well grown. As long as they have vegetables, they will buy them with them in the future, which can also help them consume some of them.

Xia Zifan nodded and wrote down the matter first, "Okay, I will arrange it!"

"Go, take us to see the fruit bar!" Mu Yue reminded Xia Zifan with a smile.

"Okay, sister-in-law, come with me!" Xia Zifan led the way, and seemed to call out in a certain direction, "Lao Xia, where are you, come out quickly, sister-in-law is here!"

Hearing Xia Zifan's yelling, a man with a big and thick appearance rushed over quickly, and his mouth was still responding, "Come on, stop screaming!"

Xia Zifan introduced and explained for Mu Yue, "Sister-in-law, we arrange for Lao Xia to be responsible for the production of fruit wine!"

Mu Yue listened and asked with a smile, "Let him come? Don't you guys be afraid that he would drink it all up?"

Xia Qi's face blushed when she heard Mu Yue's words.

"Sister-in-law, I know that I like to drink, but if there is absolutely no order and permission, I will never touch those fruit wines!" Xia Qi quickly swore to Mu Yue and said.

Mu Yue couldn't help but laughed.

When she came last time, she also saw the amount of Xia Qi's drink and knew that he likes to drink, so she had to know more about wine than the other brothers, so he was held responsible.

When Mu Yue said this, he just wanted to make fun of him.

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