Mu Yue was busy with the company and the medicinal restaurant every day, and didn't know that a special day was coming.

And Xiao Junyan also attaches great importance to the arrival of this day, which is the Chinese Valentine's Day.

The Qixi Festival is coming soon, and Xiao Junyan returned to the capital on the day before the Qixi Festival.

The one who came to pick up Xiao Junyan was naturally Ye Tianming.

Ye Tianming saw his boss return to the capital with a big smile on his face, "Boss, you came back for the Qixi Festival tomorrow, right?"

Xiao Junyan didn't speak either, but he seemed to have acquiesced.

This kind of thing, everyone is tacitly aware, tomorrow Qixi Festival, and now Xiao Junyan is back, if it is not for this, what is it for?

If Xiao Junyan doesn't like someone, then think about it differently, but now it's someone Xiao Junyan likes! So it must be 100% for Mu Yue.

After a moment of silence, Xiao Junyan said, "Has anything happened recently?"

"Not yet!" Ye Tianming shook his head and said with a grin, "However, many people are paying attention to the opening of the medicinal restaurant. It will open the day after tomorrow. The younger sister is very busy now!"

Hearing what Ye Tianming said, Xiao Junyan's eyes fell on him and asked, "Very busy?"

"Well, it's okay, but after the day after tomorrow the medicinal restaurant opens, there are still a lot of things to deal with!" Ye Tianming shook his head and said, "Boss, it's pretty good for you to come here. You plan to stay in Beijing for a few days? Little Junior Sister!"

Xiao Junyan's eyes shifted, and he landed on the street outside. Even if Ye Tianming was muttering over there, he didn't say a word.

Finally, Ye Tianming sent Xiao Junyan to the Xiao family compound, and it was already night.

"Boss, then I will leave first!" Ye Tianming waved at Xiao Junyan and left.

Xiao Junyan returned home. Although it was night, it was still early, only seven or eight o'clock.

Elder Xiao and they were all a little surprised when Xiao Junyan came back.

"Why is your kid back again? Aren't you at work?" Old man Xiao was a little dissatisfied with Xiao Junyan's appearance in the capital. Is this skipping work?

Although Grandpa Xiao didn't notice the date of tomorrow, Xiao Fengyi paid attention, and took the arm of the old man and said, "Grandpa, have you forgotten what tomorrow is the day? Tomorrow is the Qixi Festival, how can I not come back? "

When he was reminded, Father Xiao understood, he smiled and patted his head, "Oh, look at me, old man, I forgot, I really should come back, and the shift must come back!"

"No!" Xiao Fengyi also smiled and looked at Xiao Junyan, "Brother, have you eaten dinner?"

"Eat!" Xiao Junyan replied faintly, "I'll go upstairs first!"

Father Xiao heard that the stinky boy came upstairs and stared in dissatisfaction, "What are you doing upstairs this morning! Come down and play a few more chess games with my old man!"

Xiao Junyan turned his head to look at Xiao Junyan, and said, "Want to date tomorrow!"

Being blocked by this sentence, the old man opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.

Xiao Fengyi was also holding her stomach and laughed, making Old Man Xiao stare, and pointed to the stinky boy, threatening to order, "Okay, you stinky boy for good reason! Go ahead and get on it quickly." , If you don't turn that girl home, don't go home either!"

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