Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2166: The understanding Xiao Shao 1

Among the guests invited this time, some CEOs of companies and groups cooperating with the Mu Group came to participate, and these were given to Mu Haiye and the others to take care of them. Mu Yue just left it aside, and she was really overwhelmed.

Regardless of how big the hall is, there are hundreds of people in the station that can accommodate so many people.

Xiao Junyan was arranged by Mu Yue into the guest boxes brought by him and Xiao Fengyi.

Because some of the women Xiao Fengyi knew were married women, they were more than one person, and they brought their own partners, plus some little sisters and friends brought by Du Xueqin, this person was a bit too many, accounting for two. Big box.

"Fengyi, I really didn't expect that your little brother will come too!"

"That's right, I heard that Shao Xiao has gone to the south to become a military commander, and he has been a commander at a young age. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, I have never heard of such a young military commander!"

As the third-generation male of the Xiao family, he is still the boss. Everyone wants to cling to it. The men in the box dare not talk to them. It is really Xiao Junyan's breath that makes them too cold and too strong.

Therefore, they were very witty and handed it over to their wives, let them talk to each other, and contact Xiao Fengyi.

Xiao Fengyi smiled triumphantly, glanced at Xiao Junyan, and said with a smile, "This kid, it's okay, it's not ashamed of our family!"

When he said this, Xiao Junyan suddenly got up.

"What are you going to do?" Xiao Fengyi looked at Xiao Junyan in confusion.

Xiao Junyan didn't say a word. He walked to the door, but just happened to bump into Mu Yue who walked in. His eyes were fixed on her bare shoulders, and the dark and deep eyes became deeper.

"Senior Brother Xiao, why did you come out?" Mu Yue looked at Xiao Junyan suspiciously at the door.

Xiao Junyan spoke straightforwardly, but also said in Mu Yue's heart, "You are here!"

Yes, he has been paying attention to the situation in the corridor, knowing that Mu Yue is here, so he walked out to greet him.

Mu Yue raised her head and glared slyly, "Don't stand in the doorway, I'll go and say hello to Sister Fengyi and the others!"

"That's right, cousin, you are too unkind! Cousin came to greet us specially, what are you doing here?" Du Xueqin had the courage to stare at Xiao Junyan, and then hugged Mu Yue. Arm, dragged her into the box, "Cousin, come in quickly, but my cousin and I brought a lot of friends to join you!"

Xiao Junyan's dark eyes narrowed, his gaze swept across Du Xueqin's body, and then he glanced at Mu Yue.

"Come here, let me introduce you to everyone. This is Mu Yue, the owner of the medicinal restaurant, and of course my cousin. She belongs to my cousin and no one can grab it!" Du Xueqin is a dog in the box. Let’s introduce everyone.

Everyone in the box looked at Mu Yue with eager eyes, and whispered in their hearts, this rumor is really true!

As expected to be the little princess of the Mu family, it is estimated that she is the only one who can stand with Xiao Shao?

Xiao Junyan walked to his seat and took out a shawl of snow gauze from a paper bag and put it on Mu Yue.

With this move, I saw a group of girls in the box covering their mouths with their hands. They all had all kinds of envious eyes, which was really considerate.

However, only Xiao Fengyi and Du Xueqin were accustomed to Xiao Junyan's gentle behavior towards Mu Yue, but they also complained in their hearts. It turned out that the contents of this bag were prepared for Mu Yue!

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