Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2168: The understanding Xiao Shao 3

The first lunch can be said to have ended perfectly.

Many people leave the box restaurant feeling their stomachs.

"The medicated food in this medicated restaurant is really delicious!"

"Yeah, I thought that the medicated diets made with Chinese medicine would have a strong taste and bitterness, but only now did I know that these medicated diets are so delicious!"

"Who said no, I was addicted to eating today. I heard that this is only part of it. There are still many varieties that I haven't eaten. Next time I have to try it. The others should taste good too! "

"Unexpectedly, this Miss Mu actually has such an ability. This medicated diet tastes first-rate. Even the food in the Beijing restaurant I have eaten is not as good as the medicinal diet here! Alas, I want to eat some more. , But my stomach can't eat it anymore!"

"Oh, I really fall in love with the medicated diet here, but I still want to keep in shape, so I don't dare to eat too much, so I will try to come as little as possible in the future, and eat one at a time!"

"It’s no wonder that Ms. Mu’s medicinal restaurant has such a good business, and there are so many people who are willing to open members. It turns out that there is a reason. Whether it is the medicinal food or their medicinal wine, they are particularly good, especially the medicinal wine. I feel like drinking it. After that, the whole body is relaxed, and the exhaustion of the past few days has been wiped out!"

"That's a must, alas, this bottle, I have to collect it carefully when I go back. I heard that this medicinal wine is classified according to the membership level, and the price is not cheap. This time, if it weren't for the opening of the medicinal restaurant in Beijing, Miss Mu will not give everyone a bottle!"

Everyone ate and drank happily and left with gifts.

This gift is naturally a bottle of medicinal wine and a small box of spiritual tea for each person.

Although the amount of a bottle of medicinal alcohol per person was a bit too large, Mu Yue didn't feel wasted at all. On the contrary, this was the best way to win over customers.

Especially in large places like Beijing, there are not a few rich people.

As long as they are not very familiar with Mu Yue, they have all left, even the little brothers and sisters Ye Tianming brought with them, all left, and all left with satisfaction.

Gu An and Gu Zihan both came to Mu Yue's big box with joy. They also carried a small gift box in their hands, which contained medicinal wine and spiritual tea.

Chi Yan came to the box, found a seat, and said in awe, "Mu Yue, I really didn't expect that the chef of your medicinal restaurant, the medicinal food you cook, also has your seven or eight points of skill. , It's really good, if you can't eat it yourself in the future, I will come here to eat it!"

"Be careful to become fat!" Mu Hongbo smiled jokingly.

Chi Yan shook his head and said with a smile, "I can exercise, I won't get fat!"

"That is, I want to exercise too!" Gu Zihan also jumped up, screaming with his hands on his hips, "I have eaten up again today, come here for a few more meals, I have to become fat!"

Gu An mumbled in disbelief, "If you can be so diligent, I burn incense and worship Buddha!"

"Don't underestimate women's combat effectiveness. They do everything to lose weight!" Ye Tianming smiled and reminded Gu An, "Ah, since I met the younger sister, my belly has also been bigger. !"

Mu Yue looked up, and gave Ye Tianming angrily, "What does it matter to me?"

Xiao Junyan also coldly swept a menacing look at Ye Tianming, and suddenly scared a guy to shrink his neck.

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