Xiao Junyan sent Mu Yue back home, but it was rare that he didn't eat dinner at Mu's house, but drove to Ye's house instead.

Ye Tianming received a call from his boss, a little surprised, and hurriedly ran out of the compound and got into Xiao Junyan's car.

"Boss, what are you looking for me?" Ye Tianming sat in the car and looked at Xiao Junyan in confusion.

Xiao Junyan looked at the road ahead and said lightly, "I want to go abroad!"

Ye Tianming was taken aback, and asked a little puzzled, "Go abroad? What are you doing?"

"Mission!" Xiao Junyan spit out two words lightly.

When Ye Tianming heard this, he quickly said excitedly, "Task? What task are you going to do? Do you want me to go with you? I'm going to prepare!"

"No, you stay here to protect Yue!" Xiao Junyan shook his head and turned to look at Ye Tianming.

Ye Tianming was stunned, and pointed to himself, "You let me stay to protect the younger sister? Boss, I'll go abroad with you on a mission? I haven't been out for a long time, but why are you going out, you are not? Don’t you take up tasks?"

A touch of firmness flashed in Xiao Junyan's eyes, and the hands holding the steering wheel tightened, "I want to return to the capital!"

With just five short words, Ye Tianming understood. He could only scratch his head and nodded helplessly, "Well, indeed, if you want to go back to the capital to report on your work, you still have to accumulate more military merits. Last time you went to Linshi, it was also intentional. Decentralized, sacrificed a lot before going down, and now it’s a bit troublesome to come back!"

About Xiao Junyan, it is estimated that except for Mr. Xiao, only Ye Tianming is the most clear.

Therefore, no one knows what Xiao Junyan did at the beginning and what he abandoned for Mu Yue, but Ye Tianming did.

But Xiao Junyan didn't care about it at all. Instead, Mu Yue was more concerned about it, "You stay here, protect Yue!"

"Little Junior Sister doesn't need me to take care of it at all!" Ye Tianming was depressed and spread his hands.

Xiao Junyan hesitated a little bit in his tone, "Help me stabilize her!"

Ye Tianming was taken aback, staring at Xiao Junyan, "You mean, you are on this mission, don't you plan to let the little junior sister know? How long have you been?"

"I don't know, at least half a month, as long as a month or two!" Xiao Junyan shook his head.

Ye Tianming scratched his head, "This is a bit of a hassle, it's very difficult for the little junior sister to fool! Also, there is nothing to hide from the Mu family behind her! Boss, I think this This kind of thing, you still have to talk to the little junior sister in person!"

Xiao Junyan squeezed those two thin lips into knives, and narrowed his eyes, "No, not yet, I want to surprise her!"

If possible, he didn't want Mu Yue to know, and when he was finished, he was telling her to surprise her.

Ye Tianming scratched his head, a little helpless, and also helpless to his boss's sometimes stubborn character, especially when he encountered Mu Yue, "Okay!"

Xiao Junyan turned his head and looked at Ye Tianming, "Please!"

"Oh, boss, why are you saying these things? Why do I feel that there is something wrong with what you said!" Ye Tianming patted Xiao Junyan on the shoulder and said uncomfortably.

How does he feel that something is wrong with Xiao Junyan this time? I always feel as if something bad is going to happen.

Xiao Junyan was startled, looked at the blue sky in the distance, and frowned.

He felt that something was going to happen, so he came to him.

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