Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2177: To untie the bell, you must tie the bell 1

Xiao Junyan only stayed in Mu Yue's room for a while, and when she saw that she fell asleep, he left the room with peace of mind.

Walking downstairs, they looked at the worried eyes of everyone in the Shangmu family.

Xiao Junyan walked to the front of Mr. Mu and bowed respectfully, "Mu, Yue is all right now!"

Mu Haiye stood up from the sofa and stared at Xiao Junyan, "Boy, I warn you, it's best not to make Xiao Yue'er sad, otherwise, I will never let you go! Even if I try my best! Everything about our Mu family will never let you go!"

"I know!" Xiao Junyan nodded, and a gleam of light flashed in the deep dark eyes, "I'm leaving first, and when Yue wakes up, tell her that I'm going to Linshi."

The Mu family didn't stop Xiao Junyan, they just watched him leave Mu's house like this.

At this time, they felt that the only person in this world who could be worthy of Mu Yue was this Xiao Junyan.

However, what Mu Yue said now, Xiao Junyan had a catastrophe, if he couldn't survive it, he would die, which really made them unacceptable.

It was originally because of the opening of the medicinal restaurant that they were beaming, but because of Xiao Junyan's affairs, they all became a little dull and depressed.

People in the Mu family are worried, if Xiao Junyan is really gone, then what should Mu Yue do?

Back then, because of Nangong Yuehua's incident, Mu Haixuan was almost crazy. If it weren't for losing his memory, or for regaining his memory with Mu Yue, it is estimated that Mu Haixuan would have been even more crazy, and even wanted to die.

They were very worried that Mu Yue would be hurt by Xiao Junyan's affairs, and even accompany him to death.

"Damn it!" Mu Yutao kicked the sofa fiercely, but he didn't know how to vent his anger, only feeling very depressed.

It wasn't that Xiao Junyan was sorry for Mu Yue, but it was as if Xiao Junyan had been waiting for the death of Mu Yue to come, not deliberately betraying Mu Yue, but they didn't know how to vent their anger.

After Xiao Junyan left the Mu's house, he looked up at the blue sky and took out his mobile phone, "Hey, gather all the assets in my name! When I order, transfer to the Longteng Group!"

After saying this, Xiao Junyan still grasped the mobile phone in his hand, turned his head and glanced at the Mu's compound, looked at the room where Mu Yue was, and his eyes were full of reluctance and attachment.

"Yue..." Xiao Junyan turned around and got into his car.

No matter what the catastrophe, he used to be afraid of nothing in his entire life, but now, he has become a little scared and a little timid.

He became timid and became afraid of death, because when he died, Yue would be very sad, and she would be very painful, so he couldn't have anything to do, let alone die.

No matter how big the catastrophe is, he will not be afraid!

At this time, Mu Yue had no idea what Xiao Junyan had made at this time.

Even if he really couldn't make it through, he would give all the assets under his name to Mu Yue, at least, it would be able to comfort her.

With money, Mu Yue will be able to live happily in the rest of her life.

However, what he didn't know was, if Mu Yue didn't have him, would he follow him, would life be worse than death?

Mu Yue didn't know this at all. She was recovering her physical condition, but she was also thinking in her heart that she must find the master and let the master help solve Xiao Junyan's catastrophe.

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